Epiphany ~ Chapter 6, Part 1.

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-Y/N's POV-
"D/N, what do you think of all this?" I conversed with my demon,

"What I think contradicts what you think, Y/N." D/N gave me a bored look,

"Right. I forgot you feed of the emotions which motivate those kind of activities." I tutted,

"Exactly." He nodded, "But if you really want my opinion, it is very weird, suspicious even and I love it. Personally I think you should be a part of this." He winked, licking his lips,

"You're hopeless. Well I guess I can't expect a demon to play hero." I shook my head in disappointment,

He ignored me, "By the way, Y/N. Did you happen to recognise anyone there?" He queried,

I thought for a while, "Nope. There was this woman though, it was as if I knew her from somewhere but I can't put my finger on it. Why?"

"Well, I felt the presence of another demon. You see."

"Really?" My eyes widened and I thought for a while, "Do you think there's a JIDA training facility nearby?"

D/N shook his head, "I doubt it. You can tell when a cursed weapon is frequently used by the energies they give off."

"I wouldn't know." I ushered for him to continue,

"As I was saying, cursed weapons which are used frequently give a different type of energy. Now the only people who'd be using cursed weapons are either from the army or vampires." He explained, I nodded as he continued, "The energy I was feeling was from a cursed weapon which was rarely used. It was almost as if it was newly manufactured. If there's anything belonging to the JIDA there it'd probably be their manufacturing facilities." He finished,

My mouth opened in acknowledgment, "Got ya." an idea popped in my head, "You want mischief I'll give it to you." I looked at him with a look,

He returned the glance, expectantly, "Hit me."

"I already had intentions of going through Guren's room and office. In the process I can try and find out where the facilities are, considering he does play some part in the development of cursed gear."

"So where does the mischief come in?"

"I told you, I'm going through Guren's office and room." I repeated proudly, I could finally satisfy the poor demon in my rifle, however he didn't seem unimpressed as he stared back at me,

"Without permission?" He glared at me in disappointment,

I nodded with a grin on my face,

He sighed, "What you're proposing is the equivalent of crumbs. But fine, whatever, I'll take it. Do your worst." He just waved a hand at me,

"How ungrateful," I jeered,

"Yeah, yeah. At least break a thing or two, otherwise see you later." He waved and disappeared, causing me to wake up.

I always finished my conversations with him in a bad mood, I pouted to myself.

Nevertheless, I got up and made an immediate beeline for Guren's room. A large part of me thought it was pointless searching Guren's room as he doesn't keep important things in there, however another part of me remembered that we weren't on JIDA territory.

I reached his door and turned the nob, but the door didn't budge. It was locked. I huffed annoyed, was it suspicious? Yes. But knowing Guren it's unlikely he locked his room for any important reason, his office was unlocked, and that had most of his documents in. I dug into my back pocket for the paper clip I carried in case I encountered this problem.

I bent it into shape and stuck it into the keyhole, a few jerks and a turn was all it took as I unlocked the door with ease and pushed it open.

I stepped into Guren's neat room. The emptiness of it was off-putting, and made me question where I was even going to start from. So I chose the most unlikely place, his bed. I did my best not to mess around with the beddings too much as small changes like that would get me into trouble. I ran my hand across the duvet, trying to detect any strange bumps, before running my hand underneath the pillow and inside the pillowcases, I even got on my knees to use my phone torch to check under the bed and mattress, but as expected I found nothing.

My attention then turned to the most obvious and likely spots, his desk. Guren's desk contained other drawers as well which I assumed would be locked and he most likely took the key with him.

I went through the few books lying on his desk, quickly flicking through them, a majority of them didn't spark any interest, mostly being about cursed gear and demons, until a slip of paper fell out. I quickly grabbed at it, excited by what finally looked like a clue. Turning the paper around, my eyebrows knitted together as what appeared to be a phone number greeted me. I pocketed it, deciding I would look into it later.

I shook the rest of the books, in hopes of any more sheets of paper falling out, but there were none. I made sure to place the books as neatly as I found them, hoping Guren wasn't particular enough to notice the order they were stacked in wasn't the same.

I turned my attention to the drawers two of them were locked while the remaining two weren't; I decided to deal with the locked draws first, wanting to get them out of the way.

I re-shaped my crooked paper clip and fiddled with it until it slotted in the keyhole, opening the drawers. The first one contained some useless items, except for one item which made me understand why he had locked it in the first place, I felt my cheeks heat up as I closed and locked the draw again before working on the second one.

This drawer was completely empty, although I still felt around to see if I was missing anything which I found to be useless. I sighed locking the two drawers again and then moving on to the unlocked drawers.

I opened the two drawers at the same time becoming progressively bored, to find the second drawer was empty, I closed it after confirming that it was indeed empty. The first drawer however contained a few sheets, I quickly skimmed over them and realised they must've been data from these experiments Guren was involved in as I couldn't understand all the words and letters littered all over the pages. I pondered for a while, making a decision of whether it'd be wise to take a picture of the sheets or not to decipher their meaning later, however after weighing up the possibilities I decided against it; if I was caught I'd also be in trouble with the JIDA say if it were ever found or seen on my phone.

I sighed looking through the scientific magazines, before returning them into that drawer and closing it again. I got up and scanned my eyes across the room seeing if there was anything else I was missing, and upon realising there wasn't I left, locking the room up again. I did feel lazy for being hasty with my search but I knew I wouldn't have much time and besides I never knew when Guren would be returning and I still had his office left to search.

I decided that what I'd found now would serve me well.

Epiphany. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 2. [Semi-hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now