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"Oh look at Lydia run, Harry!" Mom beamed, pointing at the smaller version of myself

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"Oh look at Lydia run, Harry!" Mom beamed, pointing at the smaller version of myself. "She's so fast!"

"Probably because she skipped walking and went straight to running. Little daredevil she is." My dad smiled.

"Teddy!" My eight year old self yelled, tackling him, who was also eight at the time. His dad, Norman, and my mother exchanged glances, shaking their heads with small smiles on their faces.

"I'm gonna get you for that, Liddy!" Teddy laughed, pushing me off of him.

As he chased me, the white clouds around me began to turn gray, and the rain came pouring down. I was in Teddy's kitchen, and my eyes widened as I watched Teddy be hassled by his dad.

"I'm sorry!" He cried, and his dad grabbed him by his hair, then placed his ear the the stove.

"It burns!" He yelled, and I stood there in shock. I tried to run, but my feet were planted into the ground.

"Teddy!" I yelled, trying to run. "Let him go, Mr. Duchamp!"

I woke up, my breaths shaky and I glanced at my watch, 4:21 am. Everyone gave up looking over our camp, my breathing was still unsteady as I tried to calm down and not burst into tears. Teddy stirred awake, and put on his glasses before looking at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worry wrote over his face.

"Yeah, just a dream." I replied.

"C'mon, let's go for a walk before any of these goonies wake up." Teddy said, and I nodded, stepping out from our conjoined bedrolls and slipped on my converse.

The cold air hit my skin, and I slipped on Teddy's flannel he loaned to me last night. I followed Teddy further into the woods, he took my hand in mine, giving it an assuring squeeze. We came across a hill that had the perfect view of the sunrise, and we sat down.

"What was the dream about?" He asked.

"It might make you upset to hear about it, Ted." I frowned.

"I can handle it." Teddy stated, pushing up his glasses and looking to me. "C'mon, Lid, I'm sure it's not that bad."

"It is that bad." I choked, wiping a hot tear that I didn't know fell from my face.

"Hey, hey, don't cry." Teddy says. "If you don't wanna talk about it, we don't have to."

"I just don't wanna make you upset." I said.

"You won't, I promise." He said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Alright." I sniffled.

PRIME OF MY YOUTH • T. Duchamp  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now