Chapter 30.

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I can't belive that we were going to have a baby...our baby,that our body's had made. A human that we were going to raise,love,teach and adore. But all that was ripped from us. The baby was sick. And It would've died anyways. Which hurt,but you just need to go thru it.

But we need to think positive. It's now three days since it happend,and me and Evangeline are on our way to a real hospital,since Elena has this day off. And I need someone that I really can trust. So I called one of my old friend's who is a doctor. Martin Haynes. He's working in a hospital here in the city. And he used to work for me,but he wanted to change his life. And he did. And I am happy for his sake!

"Are you...are you okay?" A little angelic voice interuppted my thoughts,as I was driving my black ferrari,to the hospital.

"Yes. Baby don't worry. We need to think positive. We can't be stuck in that moment. It will break us." I said and turned my head towards her. She looked gorgeous,a little tired but still perfectly gorgeous. Her brown wavy hair on her upper body frame,brown eyes,,and her plump lips,that were coverd in lip gloss.

"I love you." I said and took of one of my hands of the steerimg wheel and laid it on her jeans coverd thigh. She smiled down at my hand,laying her hand over it,caressing my hand with small movements,making butterflies in my stomach.

This woman is going to be the death of me.

We arrived soon outside of the hostpital. I stopped the car and turned my head towards Evangeline,who's head was hung low.

"Hey,honey? You not feeling okay?" I asked my hand carresing her cheek. Turning her head to look at me. Her eyes were glossy.

"Baby..." I said and pulled her into a hig. Her small arms fast embracing my big body.

"I-I am just scared. What if we can't have kids in the futere..." she said and sobbed,against my shoulder.

"Baby...if we can't then we will handle it. But we still don't know,si?" I said. Trying to calm her down. She broke the hug and kissed me on the lips,with a lovely kiss.

"Thank you. I love you." She said and smiled at me. I dryid her tears and smiled back at her with a warm smile.

"C'mon. We need to be there in 7 minutes." I said,and we both walked out of the car. I took her by her waist,pulling her close to me.

We are going to check if we will be anle to have kids in the futere. And if we can't...well we will see. Like I said. We still don't know yet.

We walked up to the reception,and I said my name and that I had a private appointment with Martin. So a nurse came us and led our way,up to the fifth floor. The floor the room were.

As we walked I noticed Evangeline shaking a little under my hands.

"It will be alright. Trust me." I said and kissed her head. She looked up at me and smiled a little smile amd nodded her head.

"This is your room. Dr.Haynes will arrive in a few minutes." The nurse said and opend the door to the room. It looked like a normal hospital room. But fancier.

Evangeline sat on the bed,and I sat on a chair besides it. A few minutes later,there was a knock on the door. And in came Martin.

"Hello brother." He said and smiled at me. I stood up and smiled at him. We hugged eachother and he said hello to Evangeline. He sat on a chair that was pointed towards me and Evangeline. He looked at the papers and then at us again.

"Well,I see why you're here." He said and gave us a sad smile. Like I said. He has been working with me,and we were like brothers. And still are.

"Yes. And the tests...will-will they hurt?" Evangeline asked,while she fiddled with her small fingers. I took her hand and carresd them a little. Making her feel a little more comfortable.

"Some of them,yes,but a few will maybe feel a little uncomfortable but not hurt." He said and looked at her. Giving her a resuring smile.

"gattina,I will be here with you all the time. It will go perfectly fine." I said and raised my eyebrows at her,trying to get a better look at her. She looked a little more comfortable with my hand on her's and me resuring her I will be here.

"Okay. So will it be you that will be doing them?" She asked him. He nodded his head no.

"No. It will be a female nurse,one of my best." He said.

One thing that I said to him was that it had to be a female nurse. To make me feel comfortable too. And he agreed.

"Okay. When do we start?" She asked,looking at me in the process.

"Right away if that's fine with you?" He asked her. With a questiond look on his face. She nodded,yes,and he called in the nurse in the room.

We did the most uncomfortable testa first. And let me tell you,that I have never wamted to punch someone more in my life then this nurse,for hurting my woman. But I know that she's only doing her job.

"Annnnd,done!!" She said. Laying down her toles,and taking of her gloves and throwimg them in the trash can. It's know gone four hours and we have taken all the tests.

"The results will come tomorrow. In a cuvert,in the mailbox." She said and rose from the chair she had been siting in. Evangeline laid on a board with her legs spread,with like a quilt over her legs,so we coudn't see.

"Thank you!" I said and smiled at her. Evangeline was laying on the bord,with a smile on her lips.

"It's just for you too take your clothes on and you can go." The doctor said,smiling at us and walked out of the room.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked her and smiled back at her,holding her hand. Squezing it a little and kissing her knuckles,where the ring was.

"I was just thinking that I did it. We did it. Know it's only for the results to come. But you know...I-I am not so nervous I thought I was going to be. I mean,I really want kids but-" she cut herself off. Now looking me in the eyes.

"I know that I have you no matter what. I am happy as long as I have you and We can still adopt if..." she said,a single tear making it's way down her cheek.

"Yes,gattina. We will make it thru no matter what. Together we're stronger. And I love you,always and anyways!" I said and kissed her lips.


We did all the tests. And yes,some of them hurt like a fucking bitch...but I know that It will be worth it in the end. We will know if we can have a baby or no.

Now we're sitting in the car,just outside our home. Or the mansion. Xander could just close of the engine,before Andre and all the others stood outside of the car. Making me and Xander chuckle.

They are more exited and nervous then we're.

We opend the doors and got attacked with huggs and kisses,and smiles.

"So,how did it go?" Xandra asked,cupping my cheeks. And smiling at me with a worried but still a warm smile. Her green eyes glossy. I kissed her cheek. Making her eyes close and her chin tremble. Her long eyelashes touching her cheeks.

"The tests will come tomorrow. Then we will know...if we can have a baby or not..." I said and looked down. I felt many arms being around my small frame. I looked behind me to see Xander,Andre,Alex and Xavier hugging me,including Xandra.

"Tomorrow our life will change." Xander said and looked up me. Some tears lingering on his cheeks. We kissed eachother and got inside the house.





Tomorrow the next chapter will be out!!


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