{Chapter 21}

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{Previously: I stared at him directly into his eyes. His expression of anger softened slightly as he turned his head away.

'Because.' He says with a tone of defeat.

"Because what?" I replied.

He was quiet. But then answered.
'Because there's something else down here.'}

I took a long moment to process what he had said. Something else. What else could be down here other than mobs?? Come to think of it.

I look up from the mirror at the mapped layout of the mines. We were currently in the Y negatives from what it says.

I never mined in the Y negatives before. Except once but I was supervised with my trainer at the time when I was a obsidian level.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

I look back into the mirror but Herobrine was gone already.

Damn it, he decides to leave me now???

I aimed the mirror around just in case he wasn't just messing with me but he was nowhere in the mirrors sight.

Fine, if he's gonna leave me like this then I have no choice but to turn back now. If whatever is down here is truly so dangerous then I highly doubt I can handle it.

I turn back to the entrance of the room and start to leave. But I noticed another hall I had missed while walking. This hall was slightly more wider and still had ores laying around in it. Not to mention the ice on the walls looked more... blue and black.

Actually, now that I look harder, the stone behind the wall of ice was also different. I lean in closer to get a better look. I was correct, this was a whole entirely different kind of stone.

Though I couldn't recall the name for it. I don't think there is a name for it. The Y negative mines were incredible rare to be searched. Mostly because bedrock miners are only allowed but even so they don't go down here unless told to...

Will I get in trouble for going down here?

I retracted that thought.

Either way I'm still gonna end up in trouble if I make it out of all this alive. I'll have to explain to Notch how my partner was murdered by a spectating god and how I manage to get in the Y negatives and set him free..

The idea of what would happen after releasing Herobrine never came to mind up until now.

I honestly can only see one of two things happening.

Either I set him free and possibly face a punishment by Notch for it.

Or I flee and to tell Notch about the situation and deal with a on slot of mobs hunting me down.

When I lay out my options like this. I honestly can't tell which would be better and easier to deal with.

Even if I tried to leave the enderman could just easily teleport me back here. Or just simply kill me on sight..

I get a sudden feeling of déjà vu. Have I gone over this before?

Maybe I did, back around the time I first arrived here.

My thoughts were interrupted by a unfamiliar sound. It was a short quiver like noise. It's rather hard to explain. When I snapped from my thoughts I realized that I had walked into the new hall without even realizing it.

I looked down to where I heard the sound. This odd looking plant like thing on the floor sitting in a black and blue pile similar to what was in the ice.

I tilted my head a little, surely this couldn't have made the noise. I took another step forward and saw a dust like spec fly from my feet towards the plant. The plant shivered and made the same noise from before.

Confused, I crouched to touch it. But before I could even lay a finger on it.


I froze as soon as Herobrine's strained voice pounded into my head.

'Get up SLOWLY. Make as little noise as possible!'
He says with a form of a whisper shout.

Not wanting to know what will happen if I didn't, I slowly got back up on my feet and slowly took a few steps back.

He silenced me.
'Don't say anything either'

In the distance I could here heavy.. very heavy footsteps, coming in the direction ahead of me.

'Slowly get back against the wall'

I obeyed and carefully stood flat against the cold ice wall.

The foot steps got louder following with groans and whines. In the darkness of the hall a tall large creature emerged into the light from the nearest lantern.

I stared with eyes widen, my body froze and I felt my heart sink.

A creature almost as tall as a enderman, no eyes. Horns that looked like the plants from before. And frozen icicles latched onto the shoulders.

It was terrifying to look at. But what made it more unsettling was the open mouth like whole raided with teeth like spikes in its body reaching from its lower abdomen to its chest. Inside was pure darkness like a void. But honestly I could have sworn I saw something moving inside.

The creature made another whining noise. The tones were unsettling and unnatural, like it's vocal cords were destroyed.

And each step it took the inside of the unsettling mouth of the body lit up with blue like a beating heart.

I wanted to scream so bad, but I remained silent just like Herobrine told me too.

Just what was this thing.

As it walked past me I got a closer look on its back. The creatures whole spine was sticking out.

Herobrine spoke softly
'That's a Warden.'

(Yeaaah many of you have already guessed it was gonna be the warden lol. I hope you love the detail description I gave it though.
I actually went back on videos of the warden itself for this detail description. It was quite fun. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a Goodnight!)

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