{Chapter 11}

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{Previous: My eyes began to strain as my legs gave way. Instead of just collapse onto the floor I fell to my knees while the two enderman remained holding my arms to keep me from passing out. They held me up more so I could get back on my feet as they pulled me into another cave filled with darkness.}

I groan as I opened my eyes to darkness. I was laying on cold stone, unable to see. Freaked out I stammered up before groaning in pain as my whole body felt sore. Just how long was I down here for? Where is here? I reach out in front of me to feel for something. Nothing. I get on my feet and slowly walk forward with one hand out. I'm not risking running into a wall again. As I kept walking I couldn't help but here faint, very faint whispers. 'I wouldn't walk further if I were you.' The same voice spoke. I jumped and stumbling back onto the floor. There was light clicking noises before a torch seemed to light up near by. I flinched a little before letting my eyes adjust to the light. I look ahead of me and my heart sank. Just before me was another drop seemingly down to a void. I turn around to look at my surroundings. There was no openings. Just how the hell did I get here?? 'Enderman can be quite useful when it comes to trapping humans in places they can't leave.' The voice chuckled in a dark tone. I reach for my bag but it was nowhere to be seen. Damn it. "Just what the hell do you want from me!?" I said as I tried to replace my fear with anger. The voice let out another dark chuckle. 'For you to free me.'  "What?" I look back into the darkness. I could see the torch light's reflection through mirrors oddly placed around the darkness. Following with dark figures swiftly walking past the mirrors. Who's watching me? 'Pay no mind to them. There just taking a look at you incase they have to hunt you down~'
I stand back up and yell into the darkness "JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!??"
'QUIET.' The voice boomed in my head.
'You mortals are still unnecessarily loud I see.' The voices grumbled. "So... what do you mean by freeing you??" I asked without thinking.
'Stupid mortal isn't it obvious? And here I thought you knew my story. Considering you did your "research".' The voice said in a tone of annoyance. So the stories were true. "You... your Herobrine?"
The voice let's out a light hearted chuckle. "T-then. The story about you being trapped in a strong hold is true! But why would Notch send us here if he knew you are here??" It didn't make any sense. None of this made sense. 'Hell if I know why he sent you here. But you are a perfect and last opportunity for me to get out. As long as you follow my orders, you will be unharmed.... for the most part.' I felt a shiver run down my back. It feels like I'm making a deal with the devil himself... well... I literally am. "But why. Why kill Ron??"
'He made a oath to keep this a secret. If I had you know while he was still around one of you could alert my brother with ease. And.... it's fun to see the fearful look in ones eyes when they watch a person die in front of them.' I frown trying to hold back the urge to scream as he cackles. "No. NO I REFUS-" I pause for a moment. Lost in thoughts. But wasn't I expecting this to happen?? Wasn't I expecting to find him here in the first place? But why am I so hesitant and afraid about this? Maybe it was the fact that I am such a anti social among this society. Maybe it was because I wanted to hear more of what Herobrine has. Either way I answered "Whats your offer?" Herobrine's voice hummed in question. "If you want me to free you then what will you offer me in return? Honestly I don't have a life outside of my job. So I really don't have anything to lose. So you can either give me something in return or I can just die right here." Herobrine was silent before he let out another dark chuckle 'Bedrock. If you so claim to have nothing to lose or live for. Then what can I give you in return?' I take it he's willing to give me something. "We can discuss the details later. But I'll help free you if you make the oath to return me the favor. Deal?"
The god sounded reluctant but agreed 'Deal. But if you so much as think about escaping me I won't hesitate to send my mobs to kill you.' The same two enderman from before appeared in front of me before grabbing my arms again. They proceeded to teleport once more but before I had the chance to get sick and dizzy I shut my eyes closed. Notch what have I gotten myself into? We appeared at the front door of the home I've been staying in. One of the enderman handed me my bag and a second. Judging by the obsidian miner level dog tag it must be Rons... Ronny.
Now how the hell am I supposed to inform Notch that he was killed on the first day we went mining? I take the bags as the two enderman disappeared. 'We will discuss rules later. Sleep tight mortal~' his voice echoed through my head before laughing. Something gives me the feeling I'm not gonna have much of a good night sleep. But what should I worry about more? Sleep or the fact I just made a deal with the king of the Nether? Either way I better at least try to get some sleep.

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