{Chapter 14}

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{Previous: I shook my head. The walk will be much shorter so there's no need for a horse. But I should give her extra hay so they don't starve. I grab two bales and toss them over the fence on their side and checked to make sure their water was refilled. Once satisfied with how I'm leaving things I begin my journey to the next mineshaft.}

I quietly sighed in slight distress as I can hear whispers going on around me. It wasn't Herobrine, at least I didn't think it was. Herobrine's voice echoes and sounds like it's coming from all directions. These whispers sounded like they were coming from both my left and right. Or inside the forest...

I stopped in my tracks and looked to my left. The whispering on that side stopped. I looked to my right and the whispering from the left started up again while on the right it went quiet. Are they trying to freak me out?? "Ok, I can't really do much about them can I?" I mumbled to myself as I continued walking.

'No not really. They are watching you.'
No shit, I thought. "Why though?" I asked. There was more silence before he grumbles 'You mortals ask to many obvious questions. You should know WHY they are watching you.'
Already annoyed at this point I snapped  "Well  I'm sorry that I A MORTAL just want to know why the hell your little pets are watching my every move when I have done nothing at all so far!"

There was faint growling from the mobs when I had called them 'pets' which only proved my point more "Yeah Yeah growl all you want! Just proves you all are acting like a bunch of animals." I crossed my arms before triumphantly speed walking to my destination. I can hear a dark chuckle coming from Herobrine. Oh he thinks that's funny huh? Well I may be a scared mortal but I can sure give a attitude.

After a little while more of walking I stopped as the whispering on my left stopped. I looked in that direction and saw that there was a hidden path. "Must be it." I mumbled to myself again as I pulled out my axe and proceeded to cut the leafs and branches in the way.

Climbing over the log that I'm too lazy to move over, I continue through the path. The sky now darkened by the clouds and trees shading me above. It suddenly felt a little cooler than before as I started to hear the whispering again. They really don't know how to use a quieter voice huh? Or maybe it's just so many of them whisper among each other.

"So, what do you plan on doing once I free you?" I asked aloud. It was silent for a moment. Something about him being quiet when I ask questions. He's most likely trying to make it a sign that it's none of my business..... hmmmmm.

"So what have you done over the thousands of years being trapped here?"
'It's none of your concern.' He finally answered. "Well since you are considerably someone I made a deal with and I'm freeing you from this place it sorta is my concern to know." I replied.
'Don't get too cocky Bedrock. You are aware of what I can do to you.'
"But you promised that you wouldn't kill me or harm me after I set you free."
'AFTER you set me free. Doesn't mean that I won't harm you directly or indirectly in the time being.'

I think for a little moment. He has a point. If I do anything stupid he could send him mobs to hunt my ass down. To be honest, I don't know if they will harm me if I didn't do anything.
"So does that mean while I'm working, your pets won't harm me as long as I'm obeying?"
'Yes.' He spoke with a tone of annoyance. Ok so now we know that they won't harm me. For now.
'Well. Except maybe a few.'
"Why?" I narrow my eyes.
'Some mobs are out of my control such as strays so they might try to harm you. '
"Huh, well aren't I glad you told me."
It remained silent the whole way there.

(30 minutes later)

It had been a bit but I had finally found the mineshaft. It was a small old looking shack and inside was a set of iron doors leading down as if it were trying to be trap doors. I reach out for the handles and pulled before stumbling back a bit when the handles had snapped off.

I sigh in annoyance before tossing the handles to the side and walking back out to take a look around. The area had a few thrown out and rusty things such as metal scraps, barrels, and a torn up wagon with one of its wheels by the shack. I look around once more as I walked around the small shack.

Just then my eyes caught hold of a flat metal surface sticking up from the dirt just against the shack. Using my bare hands, I wipe away all the access dirt and let out a heavy sigh as I looked at what I had found. It was a metal box, I grab the handles on the side of the box and lifted the box out from its hiding spot. Struggling a little when I had found roots latched onto it.

Sitting it to my side I look into the hole and found a small brown bag. I grab the bag and carefully open it and poured whatever it was inside onto my hand. Sand and some beads fell into my hand before a gold key hit my palm. I wipe everything else off my hand except the key and look at it. It looked like any other key you would use.

I look back at the metal chest and saw that there was a lock on it. Looking back at the key once more I had the grand idea to connect the two. Setting the key into the lock and twisting it. Allowing a click to be heard before the lid of the chest popped up a bit, implying it was opened. I grab the lid of the chest and look inside...

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