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To say Wooyoung wasn't excited about the trip was a complete understatement. It was hard for him to not ask Jongho about it every time they were together.

Thankfully he had a bit of a distraction while he thought about what he wanted to write to Mingi.

As much as he wanted to lie and hide what he had done, he knew Mingi deserved the truth, and Yunho too, just in case they never saw each other again.

Wooyoung waited until Jongho was at work before he started working on the letter. Grinding up his scales and mixing everything together was not something he wanted the human to witness.

And it wasn't that it was an unpleasant sight, but Wooyoung himself couldn't help but cry as he did it. All those thoughts of how ugly his tail was now came flooding back into his head. It just couldn't be helped...

When everything was ready, he pulled his tail up so that it was bent like humans bend their knees and opened his heart so the words he needed to say poured out of him.

My dearest Mingi and Yunho,

I'm sure by the time this reaches you, you will have realized that something happened. I wish I had better news for you, but I fear everyone chosen to go with me has perished.

We were ambushed at The Abyss by a giant contraption that allows humans to travel deep into he ocean. It has a similar shape to sperm whales and is the same size. Please be on the lookout for more.

The humans who came out of it could somehow breathe underwater and they had spears to attack us with. I believe they may have been trying to capture us, but a battle started, which drew in sharks. It turned into a bloodbath, damaging both sides.

In my panic, and by the urging of one of the guards, I swam away to try and come warn you.

I am so sorry that I never made it.

I was captured by a different set of humans who used a barbed net for fishing. They took me to a place called an aquarium and put me on display.

I have failed us all.

Humans in this area know of us now.

I want to assure you that I am safe. I have friends here who rescued me and are going to help me get back to the ocean. I know that reading this will upset you both, but I know I can trust them because I have been spending time with them since early summer.

Please forgive me. I know I broke so many rules and that you will be disappointed in me. I will understand if you never want to see me again, but please know that I am safe and I am trying to get home to you, where I want to be with you if you'll still have me.

Wooyoung felt tears pooling in his eyes as he finished his letter. He hadn't been expecting to write the last part but... the possibility of a future with San was uncertain.

If Mingi and Yunho were willing to see him again, there would be a lot to discuss.

He bit his lip once more before adding to the letter.

I know we will have a lot to talk about, but I hope you will give me a chance.

Until that moment comes, please take care of yourself.

Mingi, please tell your father that I'm sorry.

Wooyoung read through the letter once before rolling it up and tying it with a thin piece of rope.

He waited until the day they were leaving to send it. San was passed out on the bed next to him and Jongho was loading the car with camping material, so Yeosang was the one to come open the window.

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