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"Get your lazy ass out of bed! I won't tell you again!"

"Go away Yeosang, I told you I'm not going." San grumbled from under his large, fluffy blue comforter. He had no intention of leaving his bedroom for as long as he could, unless he needed food or to go to the bathroom.

Suddenly his door burst open and slammed against the wall. "Choi San, just because you were fired does not mean you get to sulk around our apartment all summer! I will not let you hide away from the world when we have so many adventures to be had."

"Fuck adventure. I just want to wallow in self pity."

"Not. Happening." Yeosang grabbed the comforter and yanked on it with all his strength.

San whimpered and curled into a tighter ball in an attempt to fend off the cold air that kissed his skin, but it was no use. Especially when Yeosang leaned on his bed and started pushing into it to make San bounce in place.

"Fuck, alright!" San snapped, slapping the mattress and sitting up. "Just stop already!"

Yeosang smirked at him. "I already packed your suitcase. The only change of clothes left in your closet is the one for you to wear today. Go shower, you stink." With that final statement, Yeosang left the room.

San groaned and fell back on his bed, his arms spread wide on either side of him, and prayed for something to end his misery. He was nothing. He had no real purpose in life. Hell, he was fired from a job that was as simple as sorting supplies because he missed a box and it was sent to the wrong company. Sure, that wasn't the first time he had done it... but he had always tried his hardest to do a good job.

This was his life though. Ever since moving to the city with Yeosang to study dance at university, San had felt like his life was out of his control. He came here for Yeosang. And though he loved dancing, he didn't have the same kind of passion for it.

And that thought process was ridiculous because San was unnaturally gifted, to the point that his fellow classmates grew angry with him when he didn't put the same amount of effort in that they did.

So he dropped out and had been working random jobs ever since.

After letting out one more big sigh, San ran a hand through his messing blonde hair and cringed. The slightly greasy feeling told him it really had been a few days since he last showered.

What was so wrong with wanting to be a hermit? Then he would mess anything up anymore...

But Yeosang would never let him get away with it. The older had been taking care of him since they were kids and San had moved in with him after his parents died in a car accident.

San was too young at the time to remember them, but the Kang's had been very close with his parents, and with no other family, they decided to adopt him.

He and Yeosang had been inseparable ever since.

When he was finished, San had to admit that the shower did feel good. He stood in his room, towel drying his hair, wondering what sort of adventures Yeosang was talking about.

After dressing and giving himself a mental pep talk, San went and met Yeosang by the front door of their apartment. His friend was looking at something on his phone while leaning against the wall. Two large suitcases were sitting next to him.

"Where are we going?" San asked, trying to sound excited.

"You'll see. It's road trip time though!" Yeosang beamed and grabbed his suitcase.

"Seriously?" San arched an eyebrow. "You're not going to tell me anything?"

"Nope." Yeosang let the 'p' pop while he opened the door. "You'll just come up with an excuse to stay, even though I wouldn't let that slide. Come on San, I don't want to do this alone and I want to be able to enjoy my summer vacation. There's a group of us going if that makes you feel better."

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