Prologue - Anika

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"Life's funny. You have to
find a way to keep going
to keep laughing, even after
you realize that none of
your dreams will come
true. When you realize that,
there's still so much of
a life to get through."

~~Claire Messud



I was twelve years old when my parents were killed and my world turned upside down. Dancing kept me sane, gave me something to focus on other than the void that was threatening to swallow me whole. I devoted myself to the future, ignoring the past I longed to forget, and created a plan that was supposed to save me.

Everything was mapped out, planned step by step in a way that I was convinced would guarantee my success. I had refused to let myself be distracted, ignoring the possibility of failure, and not letting myself get caught up in the drama of boys or ridiculous teenage rebellion. My big sister had it hard enough without me going out of my way to make life worse than it had to be.

For six years, it was just the three of us, with her raising my twin and I all by herself. I wanted to make her proud, prove to her that the suffering she had endured wasn't pointless. The day I left home was going to be the beginning of everything I promised I would do for the two of them. It had been my dream, my goal, the sole purpose that I had strived for all those years.

For five months, that dream had seemed to be right in front of me. Juilliard had been everything I had ever imagined and more. It was a time of bliss, days and nights of dancing and preparing for the life I had always pictured myself having. I had felt on top of the world, untouchable on a cloud that was only mine.

December came and it all changed. Nothing went as it was supposed to, fate deviating from my meticulously constructed road to success and veering me into a path that was never on the map. I found myself lost and more alone than I ever dreamed possible. It felt like I would never find my way back, stumbling helplessly in the darkness, unable to even see the stars in the sky.

Going home for spring break was supposed to be a chance to put myself back in that part of my life one more time. I could pretend my plan was perfectly on course and dance for my sisters as if the world were perfect once again. I had given up hope of becoming who I always thought I would be. Spring break would give me a chance to dance again, just for a little while, but I soon realized that it would also offer a glimmer of light in my dark world.

However, what I expected least of all was for it to come in the form of an awkward young man with light blue eyes, and a boyish smile.

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