Chapter 3 - Anika

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"Running away was easy;
not knowing what to
do next was the
hard part."

~~Glenda Millard



The scent of vanilla filled my nose as I began to stir from sleep, snuggling deeper into the warmth of my bed. Recognition slowly dawned in my sluggish brain and I felt a smile already forming on my lips as I cracked my eyes open. I was greeted with the sight of a mirror image of myself, except the blue hues of her eyes were bright with excitement and I could see the happiness she held for her new life within their depths.

I carefully looked over the rest of her that I could see without moving, which wasn't much. Andi had recently dyed teal streaks decorating her blonde locks, along with a string of what looked like bite marks on the side of her neck. When my eyes met hers again, she must have realized what I had figured out, her cheeks burning red, and I couldn't stop the grin that split my face.

"Good morning, sister," she greeted, her whispered words unable to hide her giddiness. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, until a little rainbow ferret crawled in bed with me," I teased, rolling onto my back and stretching my muscles with a groan. "What time is it?"

"Around ten, I think," she shrugged, still watching me with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry I woke you up but I wanted to see you before I had to leave."

"Leave?" I asked, giving her a confused look. "Where are you going?"

Guilt colored my twin's features and she bit her lip.

"School?" she said but it came out as a sheepish question.

"You aren't out this week for Spring Break?"

Andi shook her head. "No, not until next week."

I sat up and looked over at her in exasperation. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? If I had known I would've-"

"Would have what? Not come at all?" Andi asked, her excitement dying away and replaced with frustration. "You'll be back at school next week and wouldn't be able to spend my break with me. If I had told you then you wouldn't have come and we wouldn't have been able to see you until maybe this summer. And that's only if you don't get offered a position at a company."

I was taken aback by her boldness, unused to this new confident Andi who was stronger than before and unafraid to speak her mind. My own guilt weighed heavily on my heart as her words sunk in, overshadowing the pride I felt despite the hurt her statement had inflicted. She was right, everything she had said was true, at least it would be in her mind. Andi didn't know the truth and I had no plans to tell her, or anyone else. I just wanted to forget, to pretend for just a little while that my life was okay again.

"You're right, I'm sorry," I apologized, pulling her into a tight hug. "I've just missed you so much, Andi. You have no idea."

"Yeah, I think I kinda do," she replied softly, her arms wrapping around me just as tight. "There's so much I wish I had been able to tell you."

I know exactly what you mean, I thought sadly, wanting desperately to spill my secrets and bawl in my sister's arms.

Andi gently disengaged herself from me and stood from the bed, her vibrant smile once again back in place. "Come on, let's have some food before I leave."


She was nice enough to let me change and brush my hair before dragging me down the stairs.

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