Chapter 1 - Anika

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"Things change.
And friends leave.
Life doesn't stop
for anybody."

~~Stephen Chbosky
The Perks of Being
A Wallflower



"You still haven't told your sisters?!" my manager, Jaime, whisper-yelled beside me in surprise. "And they haven't suspected anything? I thought twins were supposed to be connected or whatever."

The washcloth was cool and damp as I gripped it in my hand, doing my best to keep my face blank while I wiped down the booth in front of me. I knew Jaime meant well, and he hadn't intended to sound like he was judging me, but it was a sensitive subject. If I'd been able to think of some other story I would have, but the truth was my best option, at least for this situation. 

"No, I haven't," I finally sighed, moving on to the next empty table. "They live hundreds of miles from Juilliard, so it's not like they would have come for a visit or anything. Besides, it isn't something I'm proud of, Jaime."

"Oh, right," he agreed sheepishly, continuing to follow me as if he were a busboy instead of the manager. "But… are you going to tell them? About… anything you've been doing since you've been gone?"

I bit my lip and mulled the questions over in my head. When I moved out seven months ago, my sisters had waved goodbye as I made my way to Juilliard with my childhood best friend. It had been my dream, go to Juilliard and become a world renowned dancer or work for a prestigious company. I had sacrificed Thanksgiving and Christmas with them because I was so convinced that my dream was within reach. However, I had been severely mistaken.

"I could tell them about the diner… I think," I mused a few minutes later, my voice as uncertain as my mind. "I just don't think I can tell them the rest… not yet."

Jaime nodded and readjusted the plastic tub propped on his hip that was quickly filling with dirty dishes. "You technically wouldn't be lying if you told them you were dancing almost every night."

I cringed. "There's no way I could do that."

"Do you really think they'd be upset?" Jaime asked with concern.

"No, they aren't like that." I paused on the last table and looked over at him with a small smile playing on my lips. "They would support me no matter what I did."

It was true. My big sister, Aurora, or Rory, was the only parent my twin, Andi, and I had known since our parents were killed six years ago. The three of us were as close as anyone could possibly be, but even I knew we all had our secrets. Some were just darker than others. Nothing, and I meant nothing, would make them stop loving me, or support me any less. Regardless, I couldn't admit that I had failed.

"My brother would shit a brick if I told him I was moonlighting as a stripper," Jaime commented with a laugh but choked it down when he caught the glare I shot him. He cleared his throat nervously. "I mean, it would be a surprise, is all."

I didn't bother with a reply, quickly finishing the last empty table and abandoning an apologetic Jaime at the counter. Moving about the mildly crowded space, weaving in and out of tables to refill drinks or take new orders, I couldn't shake the odd feeling nagging at my mind. It was as if I was being watched, the hairs on the back of my neck prickling uneasily as I forced a smile. When I got the chance, I glanced around the diner but couldn't see anyone paying direct attention to me.

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