The Letter

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"Harry why on Earth would you be able to talk to a snake?" I ask, as Harry finishes telling me about the snake at the zoo.

"Beats me," He fell onto the bed.

"Hey, do you think it has to do with you flying onto the roof of the school," I suggest.

"I wouldn't think so..." Harry trails off, considering my idea.

I am currently laying on the floor of Harry's cupboard, his bed touching my feet. I wouldn't necessarily call it a bed, more like a mattress that I stole from a garbage truck. He is locked in here and for some reason so am I. I had come over, in hopes of hanging out with Harry, when Mr. Dursley shoved me into the cupboard. I have a nasty bruise on my arm to prove it.

"At least it's summer," I point out.

"Yeah, summer in a cupboard," Harry bums me out.

"Summer none the less," I sigh.

Mrs. Dursley opens the door, I shield my eyes from the new, blinding light. She turns to me and lets out a big groan. My heart sinks, I shouldn't have come over.

"We're going out to eat, Dudley is at a sleep over, you will stay in here until we come back," She orders Harry.

"Your mother wants you home," She has a bland voice when she tells me.

"Yes, ma'am," I nod, lowering my head.

I wave goodbye to Harry and walk out the door. I have a fear of disappointing people, I always call adults, sir or ma'am and try to be the most perfect human that I can possibly be. That sometimes ends up poorly, but at least I try, right? I don't know. As I walk home, I reflect on what Harry told me.

I walk in to my house and see my parents looming over me, with a letter clutched in their hands. They shove it in my hands, I struggle to hold on to it. My mother drags me up the stairs and sits me down on my bed before leaving and closing the door.

I open the letter, carefully. The insignia was not one that I recognized. A few pieces of paper fall out. I then look at the first one. I roll my eyes when I see what's written on it.

"Yeah, a school for witch craft and wizardry, sounds so real. Must just want money so they can perform magic tricks," I sigh.

I grab an empty envelope on my desk and slip in a small amount of money, then I look for a return address. There is none, except for their make believe school. I turn to the window. The door is locked. No, you aren't supposed to. But I could.

I decide to because why not? I approach the window and open it up, the wind greets me and ruffles my hair. I laugh. I hand them the letter, with the same address. It is tossed around a couple of times by the wind spirits. I can't really explain it. The wind has faces and sometimes body's if they want to be distinct. I tried showing them to Harry once, he couldn't see them. They help me lift things and sometimes deliver things that I can't put in the mail. They are like my older brothers. A girl, about 16 year old's, sits on the window sill and rolls her eyes at her brothers.

"Come on, we have to deliver it, not destroy it," She indicates to the open window.

"Who's it for anyway?" A boy that is only a year older than me, asks.

"The school for witch craft and wizardry," I giggle.

They all stare at me, I get uncomfortable under their gaze. The girl runs to grab the letter from one of their grasps. She scans over the envelope and its address. She starts belly laughing. She hands it to one of the older teenagers and he starts cackling like a maniac.

"Yes, we will get this where it needs to go," The boy nods, wonderous at his siblings behavior.

"Yeah! But can we be here when they show up?" The girls wonders.

"Uh... sure, but who is they?" I question, extremely confused.

"We can't spoil too much, now can we?" The girl looks to the others.

They nod, trying to contain their laughs.

"All right! Thank you so much," I thank.

"No problem," She says before the wind spirits fly out the window.

I collapse onto my bed, letting the warm weather, heat up my cold room. I look at the ripped letter and ignore it. I just need to focus on what's most important, like acing middle school so that when I go to high school, I'm prepared. My parents want me to become a doctor, like my mother, so that I have a "good life" but there is so much that I want to experience. 

Talking to wind spirits isn't all that I can do. I can summon the wind and use it by myself. I'm bored, I already sent out the letter so there isn't really anything that I can do. I go to grab a book by the shelf when I see some text books sitting there. The text books don't look anything like those for science and math. I pick them up, one reads "Transfigurations". I put it down, just must be some prank that one of the wind spirits pulled on me.

I ignore the other books in the stack and grab one of my favorite novels. I curl up on my bed and delve into a magical world, far away from odd letters and books, and parents who prefer success over happiness. Far away from confusion and anxiety. Into a world solely created, so that you could have a happy ending. 

"Don't you dare," I muttered, at one of the character's foolishness.

"Hey, Rose," Harry waves from the window, the sun is still setting.

"Hi, Harry," I no longer get surprised by Harry climbing through my window, its not that difficult.

"Ah, same book again," He refers to the book, in my hands.

"Yep!" I nod.

"How'd you get out," I ask, placing the book aside.

"Easy, you left one of your hair pins and I picked the lock," He hands me one of my bobby pins.

"Sorry," I hang my head.

"It's nothing," He shrugs.

"What time is it?" He asks.

"Around 7:30," I answer.

"Crap! Their supposed to be back by 8," He curses.

"How much mess did you make?" I laugh.

"A lot," He mutters.

"Bye, I got to go," He hugs me, quickly, before climbing out of the window.

"Harry you are such a mess," I murmur before turning back to my book.

Love Is The True Medicine (A Harry Potter x OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now