The Cold Air

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I shiver. Harry pulls me closer into his body. We were on his bed, he invited me over when the Dursley's left. We both perk our heads up when we here something downstairs. I pull my wand from my pocket and let Harry lead me to his door. He grips my hand, tightly. We step out into the hallway and start walking towards the stairs. I accidentally step on a creak in the stair case, and wince. Harry turns to me when suddenly, the stair case is luminated. My hand tries to cover my eyes, that burned from the new light.

"The girl is here, too," A familiar voice, growls.

Harry has jumped in front of me and his hands lower away from blocking me from danger. My eyes try to adjust as dots dance in front of my vision. I hear Harry panting and lay a hand on his shoulder.

"Professor Moody?" Harry asks.

My eyes search the stair well where a group of people stand. One has bright pink hair, another looked to be a ministry official or something of the sorts by the robes he is wearing. Maybe I forgot to mention, but I have this ability to read a room and sometimes can tell a person's emotions. Harry is looking at me for approval.

"I can't tell, they're hiding themselves well," I whisper into his ear.

"What are you whispering about?" Remus calls up the stairs.

"Nothing," I say a little too quickly.

"She can tell someone's surface emotions," Moody points his wand at me.

"How do we know that you aren't someone else?" Harry moves in front of me again.

"How do we know that YOU aren't someone else?" Moody shoots back.

"He has a point," I whisper.

"Not helping, kitten," Harry warns.

"You can't call me a pet name after saying an angry sentence. But, I have an idea," My voice quiet.

"What is it?" Harry wonders.

Then he see's my face, and appears to understand. He pulls me toward me and kisses me, we hear a picture snap and someone say, "Aww". We separate and turn back to the people. I smile, its them. Harry grins, glad that we don't have to deal with death eaters after fighting dementors.

"Sirius better be happy with this picture," Remus is holding a moving picture and its super cute.

"Can I have a copy, sir?" I ask.

"Of course," Remus nods.

"Thank you, sir," I thank.

"Go get packed up, love birds," Moody ordered, I rush up the stairs to grab my bags.

Harry had insisted that I bring some clothes over, and my Hogwarts stuff over, in case someone came to pick us up. Harry's stuff is all over the floor, I quickly try to fold them up and put them in neatly. Harry, however, has a completely different idea. He starts throwing things in. I glare at him. He play-glares back. I roll my eyes and keep folding his clothes. He approaches me and kisses my nose, I stick my tongue out. He laughs and throws more of the things into his trunk. My cat, Leila, starts meowing. 

"Aw... I'm sorry I forgot you," I apologize, letting Harry continue folding things while I pick up my small cat. 

I set her down and together, Harry and I, struggle to close his trunk, we finally zip it up. He grabs our trunks and I get Hedwig's cage and put Leila in her carrier. We struggle to bring all of the stuff down the stairs.

"Took you long enough," Moody mutters as we follow them into the kitchen.

Tonks starts messing with the microwave, she sticks a spoon in there. My eyes widen. I run forward. She opens it and tries to grab a hot metal spoon, she throws it into the air. My reflexes stop it from hitting Harry who was talking with Remus.

"Ah... hot, hot," I whisper, before dropping it on the floor.

"What is this contraption?" Tonks questions.

"A microwave," I answer, taking a towel and using it to pick up the hot spoon.

"We need to leave, now," Moody orders.

"How?" Harry wonders.

"By broom, of course," Remus shrugs, pointing to Harry's back yard where brooms are laying on the ground.

"Crap!" I curse under my breath, thankfully no one hears me.

I'm not the most skilled of broom riders, I have the unique ability to fall on a broom while it is still on the ground. Neville and I have that in common. Harry, does not know this fact about me, maybe I should tell him, but nah.... 

"Alright..." I shiver in the cold.

Harry wraps his arm around me, I lean into his touch. They lead us over to the brooms. Tonks grabs my hand and has me slide in front of her. Tonks seems to understand my fear and slips her arms comfortable around my waist and grabs the broom handle. She has the broom hover into the air and she flies us up. Moody insists on flying through clouds and back tracking a lot. My hair is dripping wet and Tonks says we're only a quarter of the way there. I want to be back in Harry's arms. Everyone's excitement seems to have dimmed.

But it gave me an excuse to shiver, without Tonks worrying about it. She figures that I'm shivering because of the cold, its more like because every time I look down, my stomach drops and my common sense takes a long walk, leaving anxiety to take over. I am insanely worried, it doesn't help that every once and a while, Tonks' hair will change color or style, sometimes both. I don't think it was supposed to bother me, but it does. Harry has met eyes with me a couple of times, he looks to be checking in, but since I couldn't easily tell because of the cold, I don't trust my judgement.

Finally! We land, and Harry rushes over to me, trying to warm me up. The only problem is that he is also soaking wet. I ruffle his wet hair and he laughs. We turn our attention to the Weasley house. Except that is not where we had landed, instead in front of two black town houses.

(Word Count: 1045)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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