Accidently Insulting A Witch and Wizard

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"Rose! There are people here for you!" My mom calls down.

"Coming!" I yell.

I rush down the stairs, Mom says I have to be as punctual as possible, and that is 20% of acing life. I hope that is the truth. I stand, shocked, at the second last step. Standing there is a woman with Emerald green robes and her hair, swept up in a tight gray bun. Next to her, was a man wearing purple robes with yellow crescent moons decorating the fabric, he had long white hair and a beard. My parents look between them and me. 

"Excuse me, would you like some tea?" I ask, trying to disperse the awkwardness in this situation.

"Yes, thank you," My mom nods.

I take that as a yes and scurry to the kitchen, opting for our rarely used china, so if something happens, it won't be as bad. I turn on the kettle and set out 4 cups. I finish off making the tea and carefully carry it into the lounge where my parents had led the odd visitors. I set it down on the table and sat in one of the lounge chairs.

"Rose, this is Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore," My father introduces.

"It is a pleasure to meet both of you," I shake their hands.

"Now, may we ask your business," My mother interjects.

"Of course, we would like for Ms. Cattel to attend our school this fall," Mr. Dumbledore explains.

"Now, what does your school major in," My mother seems to become interested.

"Why, the study of witch craft and wizardry," His eyes twinkling.

"Excuse me?" My father asks, outraged.

I bite my tongue, as the window somehow opens and in comes the wind spirits. I freak out, what if they could see them. The man seems to see them as well and he smiles as they settle on top of the couch, one of their legs going through Ms. McGonagall.

"The school of witch craft and wizardry," Ms. McGonagall, her voice very strict. 

"And what makes you think that we will believe a word that is coming out of your mouth?" My mother questions.

I hang my head, they aren't wrong.

"I'm sorry, but I must ask you to leave. Our daughter already has plans to go to a prestigious private school," My father stands up.

"Exactly, Hogwarts; the school of witch craft and wizardry," Ms. McGonagall standing up as well.

"We shall not be sending our daughter there," My mother rose as well.

"Rose, get up, and go upstairs and study," My mom orders.

"Yes, ma'am," I say, getting ready to head upstairs.

"Your daughter is a powerful witch and should be treated as such," Ms. McGonagall shrieks.

"Minerva, we do not want to upset our charge now do we," Mr. Dumbledore suggests, softly.

"You shall not judge how we treat our daughter, she will have a successful life," My mother yells.

My head starts to ache.

"You, miss, act like everything in life is just about money and success but what about love," Ms. McGonagall screams.

The pounding grows steadily.

"You won't insult my wife!" My father roars.

"Don't insult your daughter then," Ms. McGonagall screeches.

They continue yelling, their voices hitting my brain hard. Every word a painful reminder. I grasp my head, their yelling becoming loud noises and nothing more, I want it all to stop. The insults, the head ache. It all needs to go away. I want quiet.

A huge wave of wind erupts from me and sends everyone flying back. I pant. Everything up against the walls. My mother was the first to rise and yell.

"You're such a freak, no matter such a weird school wants to take you!" My mother shrieks, causing for tears to well up in my eyes.

"She is no such thing, I shall not let you talk to her like that," Dumbledore defends me.

"I'm sorry, sir, ma'am, but I must ask you to kindly exit my house, I shall go over your letter and send one back if I wish to apply to your school," My voice stiff.

McGonagall looks bewildered but Dumbledore nods and leads her out of the house. My mother sends me one look and I nod, heading upstairs. I sit on my bed, looking at the letter. Hot tears trickled down my face, not only did Harry disappear since the last time I saw him but now this.

"Maybe I am a freak," I accept, hanging my head down.

(Sorry its so short, didn't know how to go further)

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