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(So, I'm going to start at two places in the story, the very beginning and the summer before Harry's fifth year, by that time they will be a couple. It will alternate between each chapter)

I sat on Harry's lap, reading a book while he read on my shoulder. We were in his locked room at the Dursley's. He sighs. I ignore him, knowing he wants my attention. He starts kissing my head and neck, gently. Finally, he turned my hips around so I was facing him. He grabbed the book from my grasp and set it away from us. He has me straddle his hips and he hugs me. I burrow my head into his neck. He pulls away and kisses my forehead, positioning my head down so he could.

"Hey there, gorgeous," I hide my blushing face with my hair.

He brushes it out of the way and gives me a soft kiss on the lips, I smile. He kisses my nose. I look into his crystal green eyes, finding myself falling into them. He runs his hand through my hair. I lean into his touch. He is just so perfect, I couldn't imagine a world without him. 

"You are so perfect," I mutter.

"I have a spot I want to show you," He suggests.

I nod. He smiles. I climb off of him and Harry helps me off of his bed. I grab my jean jacket and small purse. He leads us both out of his window and down the side of Mrs. Dursley's garden. We land and he pulls us along. He wraps his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder as we walk. 

"Where are we going, anyway?" I ask.

"It is a surprise," He taps me on the nose.

We've only had each other. We have both sent letters to Ron, Hermione and Sirius but no one has responded. I snuggle into his side, deeper, shivering from the summer evening wind. He wraps his arm tighter around me.

"Harry, are you doing okay?" I ask, turning to him, caressing his face.

"Yeah... why wouldn't I be?" He questions.

"It's just... Cedric dying and Sirius has known you for 2 years but hasn't answered a single letter, or that you only have me who knows about the wizarding world," I list.

"The only thing that bothers me about that entire sentence is the word "only". Kitten, I have you, no matter how angry I get about my godfather not returning my letters or how much I want to kill Voldemort for everything he has taken from me, you will be by my side for it all and that's why I'm okay, because I have you through thick or thin," Harry pulls me into a hug.

I let out a sigh of relief as we stand there in a grass land area on our way to Harry's surprise. We keep walking, letting him occasionally kiss my nose. He shows me this play ground and if you got high enough, you could see a beautiful sunset. I see Dudley bullying a kid. Harry yells out to make him stop. He brings his wand out.

"Harry, hey, look at me, its ok," I rush towards him.

It starts to get cloudy and storm. Harry pulls me into his side, I look around, it definitely isn't us doing this. Dudley's friends run away, and he just stays still, stupidly. We start trying to make our way away from whatever is going on, Dudley following us. Harry keeps his grip tight around me and I keep my hand on my wand, which is hidden in my pocket and under my shirt. I hear Harry wince as we walk through a tunnel or something that led us the quicker way home.

"Harry, what's happening?" I ask, as cold air blows and causes me to shiver.

He turns around floating there are two dementors. I whip my wand out, trying to recall my happiest memory, I can't produce an actual being but more of a shield, it still works. Harry has his hand gripping his wand extremely hard.

"Expecto Patronum!" We both yell at the same time. His stag appears then slowly floats away, and mine doesn't work at all. 

Harry pushes me behind him, my hand gripping his, Dudley had fallen to the ground. Harry screams it again and the glimmering stag appears again, this time much stronger. One is forced away but one is feeding on Dudley. I try to make one appear but that just makes the dementor start floating towards me, my hand slips out of Harry's grip as I'm backed up against the wall. I see Harry laying there dead before a huge flash of light and someone shaking me.

I open my eyes to see Harry, the dementor gone. A small lady with a hand knit itchy sweater was attempting to help Dudley up. Harry locked eyes with me.

"Thank Merlin, you're okay," He hugs me, I hesitantly head back, my head still pounding.

He helps me up and I lean on him as his arm wraps around my shoulder, keeping me steady. He looks at me his emerald eyes scanning my head, for looks of injury.

"I'm alright, my head just hurts a little bit," I promise him.

"We can get an ice pack on it later," He strokes my cheek.

I help Harry lift up Dudley, spacing out when Harry asks the lady questions. I'm trying to take most of the weight because I feel bad, for being knocked out and not helping him. We stop at his house. He looks to me.

"They won't like you there, I don't want you in trouble with your parents," Harry warns.

"I know, but if you need anything, my window is always open," I kiss him before helping Dudley to the door before running off, so the Dursley's don't spot me.

He gives me one final look before walking in. I sigh, continue walking towards my house, trying to ignore my pain from my sore body parts. My parents are out on a 2 month trip, they have somebody drop food off but otherwise, I have the entire house to myself. I do think there is a reason on why they just happen to be gone during my summer break, and don't invite me home during the Winter one. I collapse on the couch, turning on my favorite show that I have watched too many times to count and fall asleep.

Love Is The True Medicine (A Harry Potter x OC Story)Where stories live. Discover now