Chapter 14; "Shh, lying isn't good."

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        I was in the market picking up treats for us to have later, mostly fruit that my brother and I haven't experienced, but I read about it so that's why I picked it up. I have been walking next to Kakuro, instead of on because it made me the center of attention and I didn't like that. Granted I was still center of attention, but not as bad.

        "Mama, papa! Look at the fluffy white beast!" a small voice said. A little kid ran up to Kakuro and I with a shocked expression.

        "Kau, be careful. It may be dangerous." the mother said running up and hiding the kid behind her.

        "I am very sorry for my son." she said cautiously.

        "Oh it is no issue. Kakauro loves kids." I said rubbing behind his ears.

        "Mama, please let me pet him." the kid, Kau, pleaded.

        "Dear?" she questioned her husband.

        "I thinks its okay." he said with a hearty smile to the young boy. I noticed the boy looked a lot like his father. He had cream white skin with soft brown freckles littering his face, but he had his mothers amber hair.

        "Yay!" he cheered running out from behind his mother. He came running up and attacked Kakuro's chest with a fit of giggles and petting. I chuckled softly and gave a smile down at the two.

        "So what is he, exactly?" the mother asked starring at Kau and Kakuro.

        "Oh this is a polar bear dog." I said rubbing Kakauros side with one hand as I talked to her.

        "Polar bear dog? Aren't they suppose to be in the cold?" she asked curiosity evident in her voice.

        "They origin from it, but they can go anywhere as long as they have available water." I said with a smile.

        "So where are you and him from?" she asked.

        "We are from the Northern Water Tribe." I spoke happily, but it drew back memories I did not want although, I couldn't show it.

        "Oh, so your a long way from home." she said shocked.

        "Yup," I said looking at Kakuro, and then back at the family.

        "Well, you learn something new everyday." the father said.

        "May I ask your names, ma'am and sir?" I asked politely, trying to make small talk.

        "I am Hiro, and this is my wife Sue. My son Kau." Hiro said introducing his family. I smiled at all three of them and then decided to introduce myself.

        "My name is Tsukiko and I am here with my brother Haku, and my very good friend Gansu." I said introducing them whether they were there or not.

        "Ah, we will have to meet them if you are in town." the father said being friendly.

        "We are leaving tomorrow, so I can't say for sure." I said with a small sigh.

        "Oh that's a shame. It was lovely meeting you." Sue said with a heart warming smile. I smiled back.

        "Hey, Tsuk." I heard my brother say from behind me. I turned to see my brother and Gansu walking to us.

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