Favorite Thing Abou You (Mentally)

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Peter Parker/ Spiderman: Your smile. It lights up his world. He loves to make you laugh. Mostly at his jokes.

Danny Rand/ Iron Fist: He likes it when you play bad cop! He can't because he is too nice. That is when you play assassin and interrogate the person with that side. You are Black Widow's Trainee.

Sam Alexander/ Nova: Your voice, most definitely your voice. You are a singer, you got famous because of your voice. It is the most beautiful sound in the universe, according to him.

Luke Cage/ Powerman: He loves it when you talk science with his parents. They admire you because you're really smart and because you are a good person. But mostly because you make their son happy. When you talk about science, he doesn't understand anything you say, but you look adorable.

Ava Ayala/ White Tiger: She loves that you are positive in almost all situations.

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