How You Wake Up

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Peter Parker/ Spiderman: You both are a tangled mess. A mess you hear me, a mess!

Danny Rand/ Iron Fist: You usually wake up to the smell of waffles or pancakes, that's all Danny can cook. You think they are amazing because you still cannot boil water without burning it. You both are definitely no Sam.

Sam Alexander/ Nova: You usually wake up first and try to wake him up. Then when he's half awake, he says that if you kiss him then he'll wake up. That innocent kiss usually turns into something more. After thirty more minutes, you both get up and go into the shower.

Luke Cage/ Powerman: You wake up at the same time, you share a sweet kiss and get ready for the day. Your waking up isn't too eventful.

Ava Ayala/ White Tiger: You wake up on the opposite sides of the bed. Sometimes the person on the side not close to the wall falls off. So the night before, both of you fight to be the one close to the wall.

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