💗Jealous!Norton X Male!Reader X Jealous!Mike

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A/n - (Sorry for leaving so long. Ive had lots of problems these past months and I never had the motivation to write or finish my request. Sorry if this and the next two oneshots are bad I finished them in one day and I wanted to rewrite them but I didn't have enough time.)

Requested by - CaravanSong!

"Focus on decoding!"

The small holographic message appeared in front of you. The bitter cold and the hard breeze were all overwhelming. Elegant shaped snow flakes danced along with the wind while you watched from below. The dark blue sky was decorated with millions of small shiny bright stars. You stuck out your tongue as a snowflake gently landed on it, Melting to the warmth of your tongue

"Cold" you mumbled

You were currently in a match with Eli, Mike, and Norton on Leo's Memory. You spawned near a Christmas tree and ran to a ran-down shack that was near you.

You found a cipher there and started to decode it with the shack acting as a barrier from the harsh winds. A few moments went by without anything happening. No messages, No ciphers popping, and nothing from the hunter.

Strange you thought.

That's when a large tentacle suddenly emerged out of the ground. You were surprised. With your late reaction you got slapped by the large tentacle, All the air left your lungs as it punched you right in the gut. Your back made hard contact with the wall leaving an aching pain deep within.

"Shit shit shit" you panicked as you got up. Your heart was beating fast and glowed a freakish purple, you looked at the large entrance of the shack and saw the hooded creature standing there leaning on the side, it's eyes were squinting as if it was smiling at you.

You turned around to the smaller entrance of the shack and ran out, the cold wind blew across you instantly. You threw down the pallet blocking his path.

"The hunters near me!"

"Come on, Keep it up!"

"Come on, Keep it up!"

Norton and Mikes message somewhat motivated you. Of course you still struggled to run without almost tripping on your foot and your throat was severely dry due to the cold but that didn't matter, you can at least try. Right?

You could hear feaster break the pallet and catch up to you, he seemed unbothered by the cold. You desperately ran to a pallet attempting to throw it down and vaulting over it for a small speed boost but he had already placed a large tentacle on the opposite side. All your motivation and determination had withered down to nothing and you stood there frozen in place.

You were cornered shaking in fear, large terrified eyes looked at the creature with many and than he knocked you down with powerful force. The side of your waist was harshly banged on the thrown downed pallet. Your numb frozen fingers intertwined with the snow and dirt under you. A large cry left your mouth as he tied a balloon on your waist carrying you to the nearest rocket chair.

He threw you on the worn out chair and tied your wrist on the arm rests. Your head hanged low in disappointment, to busy in your thoughts to hear feaster walk away.

You shot your head back up as you heard someone running towards you, their footsteps leaving a satisfying crunch on the snow. Norton was standing next to you as he smirked "You really didn't do your best" he teased. You glared at him but quickly replaced it with a smile "At least I tried, I mean I am a decoder what else do you expect from me?" You joked. His hands reached to released you. "Yeah yeah whate-umpf-"

A snowball was thrown directly at Norton's face and a loud laugh coming from the opposite side of you. "BAHAHAHA YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO BE THE ONE RESCUING HIM!" Mike said while hollering on the ground. "What the fuck was that for? And yea I'm going to be the one rescuing him" he spat.
"Nuh-uh I'm rescuing him!" Mike protested while getting back on his feet.

The cold weather was still bothering you and these two idiots arguing about a simple rescue WASNT helping you. "Um guys-" "SHUSH Y/N LET US HANDLE THIS" Mike yelled while pouting. "STOP YELLING MIKE IM GONNA RESCUE HIM" Norton shouted. "NO I AM" he screamed back. This went on for a whole minute. At this point you wanted to get blasted into the sky and just wrap up in a warm blanket in front of a fireplace. So you kept quite and watched the whole thing. It even got Eli and Hastors attention.

The rocket chair finally started shaking as small flames ignited the rockets. You braced for the impact and than was flown directly into the sky. You looked down and- "are those two idiots still arguing?" You were shocked.

*+. .+*

You were sorta pissed to say the least. You waited until the game ended. You guys lost but you weren't surprised to say the least.

Leaning against the wall with a blanket hung over you, you waited for Mike and Norton trying to set things clear for them.

"WHY DIDNT YOU LET ME RESCUE HIM" "I WAS ALREADY THERE FIRST DUMBASS" you heard them arguing down the hall.

"What the hell was that" you interrupted

"Oh hey y/n!" Mike and Norton said at the same time. They both looked at each other and glared.

"Dont hey y/n me, what happened back there?" You said with an annoyed tone looking at them dead in the eye.

They were started fumbling with their words trying to make an excuse for their childish behavior and you cut them off.

"I'm a normal human being like everyone else, I'm not a toy or a thing to be fought over." You snapped. Your eyebrows furrowed.

Mike and Norton never saw this side of you. Now that they think of it they've never saw you angry before. You were usually so happy and kind to everyone but they got so used to it they disregarded your absent emotions.

Never the less they felt bad

Before they could apologize you left leaving the room quietly without a word. They stood there in place dumbfounded and guilty.

But they were definitely gonna make it up to you somehow

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