Chapter 2: The First World

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Riley stepped out of a deep purple almost black vertical portal and glanced behind her as it closed up and disappeared from existence as if it were never there in the first place. It seemed her way of traveling between worlds hadn't changed in all the time she had been asleep. That relieved her somewhat. That not everything was so different as she remembered as she rested her hand over her heart, feeling it pound against her chest, wild with anxiety. It had been so long since she was 'out on the field'. Meaning; entering a world that was not of where she was from. Waiting a moment until the pounding at least slowed down to be manageable, Riley took a deep breath and walked hidden alleyway to see where she had arrived.

It looked like a town square, with people bustling around in dull coloured toga, talking amongst themselves. Some were buying food or materials at the cart like shops that were lined around the large space while others were huddled in their own cliques, talking and judging those around them. There were huge stone walls encased the area, making it safe if there were any attacks with only two stone paths to lead out of the square. They twisted in different directions that Riley could only assume lead to other parts of the city. Finally, there was a massive staircase with statues on either side made out of presumably bronze from their dull gold colour. The staircase lead to the outskirt of the square where tall marble homes with red roofs stood. They seemed to go on forever, and the more Riley looked around it was almost as if the houses 'stacked' on each other from the high raised layers. As she did her full turn around, her purple gaze landed on the biggest statue she had ever seen in her life. So massive that she had to crane her head back so far to only get a glimpse of the head glinting off the sun behind it.

It was on the opposite end of where she and the staircase were, and so large it rose over all the houses so that it could be viewed from anywhere. Even the outskirts would be able to see the cusp of the might of the statue. The bronze statue was of a man with his arms raised, flexing his huge muscles that it almost looked unnatural. He also wore a toga like all the townspeople but with a cape flowing behind him, about knee-length. He had to be someone important to have such a figure and many people, she noticed, were looking up at it with smiles on their faces. Riley wasn't able to get a clear image of the face to determine if she had met him in the past as the sun cast shadows, blocking it out. Not to mention this world didn't look familiar to her, or at least, this part of the world didn't. Or perhaps this had been only recently built. It would explain the scale of the town  since there was so much room and yet there were all these large buildings and statues as far as the eye can see. But now begged the question; just where was she?

"Hey lady," Riley turned to the voice to see a plump man with a wheelbarrow full of hay as he peered past it to look at her. "Would you mind not being in the way?" he asked. "Some of us got jobs to do."

"Oh. Sorry," she replied, taking a step back to let the man pass. She hadn't realized she'd been standing there for so long.

"Geez. Thanks." He replied, muttering something else under his breath as he marched across to one of the on-wheels market, his partner waving him down. Some attitude this one had. Riley thought to herself then turned the opposite direction to try and find someone on their own to ask about the city, or perhaps to overhear some of the conversation.

"Watch out!" two people a little bit before her raised a vase they were holding by the handle and Riley had to duck between them to avoid getting smacked in the face. She turned back to them and considered for a brief moment on interrupting them to ask but they seemed busy. Therefore she decided against it and continued walking forward, not looking where she was going until she collided into someone


"Oh sorry Ma'am," Riley stepped back and in doing so, bumped into someone else. "Excuse me," she raised her hands up innocently and slipped past a crowd of people to the large wall and leaned her back against it with a deep sigh of relief. She had been so long without human interaction that it was all so overwhelming. Maybe she should try to find a quieter area to eavesdrop but she was also still curious about who the statue was of. Riley pulled at a few thick strands of her long hair in frustration on what to do.

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