Chapter Two - House Guest

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Here's chapter two, it picks up now sorry the last chapter was boring KGJAGN

Jimin's stomach growled as he drove back, prompting him to stop at one of the only fast food places in their area for some lunch. He decided to just get back to the cabin though, he'd buy furniture later to refurbish.

He decided to eat outside, sitting on a wooden stump not too far from the cabin itself but far enough away that the trees covered most of it, so that he could barely see it. He wasn't unnerved though, setting the bag on the ground and taking out his hamburger. He got through half of it before he heard snow crunching behind him, he spun around to see-

Nothing. There was nothing there, just leaves rustling in the afternoon wind. He shook it off, turning back around and taking another bite of his burger. This time, he did not hear the animal approach, only being alerted to its presence when a rather large snout pushed its way between Jimin's arm and his side.

Jimin was conflicted. On one hand, he was quite glad that he was rather alone in the woods so that no one heard the incredibly girlish scream that flooded from his mouth, but he resented that fact because now he was completely and utterly alone, with a wolf, one that was over half his size. He scrambled off the stump, clutching the burger in his outstretched hand tightly as though it could defend him from the beast.

But, the wolf didn't look menacing at all. It looked completely the opposite, tail swishing behind it and tongue lolling out of its mouth rather happily. Though Jimin was sprawled out on the snow before him, the wolf only seemed interested in the burger in the man's hand, slowly coming forward to sniff at it. The wolf licked a stripe along the top of it and suddenly it wasn't so appetizing to Jimin anymore, so he slowly lowered it to the ground in front of the wolf with his eyes blown wide.

When the wolf yipped happily and munched on the burger Jimin slowly backed away, rising to his feet and taking tentative steps backwards. He was almost all the way to the cabin when the wolf was done, noticing only then that his new friend had left. Jimin's heart raced as the wolf bounded towards him, a scared cry escaping the man as he dropped to the snow and curled in on himself. He tucked his head into his knees, covering the back of his neck with his hands to guard it. He felt a wet nose prodding at his hands, a few tentative licks placed on them before the nose snuffled under his arm, he was on the verge of tears but figured it would be best to succumb to the wild animal, not fight it, and let himself go limp.

The wolf took full advantage of JImin's seemingly acceptance of him, nudging him to rest up against the cabin porch and crawling fully into his lap. Jimin's eyes were squeezed tightly shut but as he felt the weight in his lap and the large wet nose nuzzling into his face, his heart beat a little slower. He tentatively peeked an eye open, just in time for the wolf to lick his face with as much enthusiasm as a dog would. Jimin spluttered, hands coming up to try and push the enormous creature out of his face. The wolf only took it as a game, jumping around and barking excitedly in Jimin's lap.

The wolf, it was a he as Jimin found out, rolled right over onto his back, tongue once again hanging out of its mouth as he wriggled around, baring his tummy for Jimin. It was a sign of submissiveness but Jimin didn't know this, instead carefully reaching for the wolf's exposed belly and giving it a gentle rub.

The wolf suddenly didn't seem so scary anymore as his back leg kicked sporadically at nothing and his eyes closed in bliss as Jimin rubbed his tummy. Jimin let himself relax a bit, smiling as he let one hand come up to scratch the wolf under the chin. The wolf's eyes opened and he rolled over, climbing further into Jimin's lap and rubbing his entire body against the man. Jimin laughed, jostled against the cabin porch as the wolf was incredibly strong.

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