Chapter 8

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2 months later:
Me and Fiona were getting on as what seemed as ok but over the past 2 months she had left the coven 5 times all together at large amounts at a time and If I'm being honest it's really starting to hurt me. I wake up to find her cuddled up next to me wow she's back I wonder how long for this time. I sit up and climb out of bed trying not to wake her. I grab a pair of shorts and t-shirt then head into the bathroom. I start to get changed looking into the mirror I looked exhausted I hadn't really been sleeping well when Fiona wasn't here I had now got used to having her by my side so whenever she left it would be a bit of a letdown. I head out of the bathroom and downstairs no one was awake yet which was a bonus so I grabbed my book and a apple heading out to the greenhouse. I curled up on the floor and opened up my book taking a bite into my apple. I must of been reading for a good hour or so because before I knew it there was a knock on the door. I sigh "come in". I look up at the door and Delia walks in after the bust up a few months ago Delia finally began to adapt to the fact me and Fiona wanted to be together which was a good thing because I didn't want to loose Delia over something so stupid she had always been like a big sister to me. She walked over " mother's home I thought you would of spoke to her by now". I shook my head "she was asleep in my bed when I woke up but I don't want to talk to her right now". Delia took a seat next to me "why not" she frowned. I look down "I don't know I don't really want to talk to anyone at the moment I haven't been feeling great if I'm being honest". She took my hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze "I know it's hard but maybe you should talk to her she really loves you y/n and I'm sure she's proved that". I sigh "if proving that she loves me is picking up and leaving every few days for weeks on end then showing up like she never left then sure whatever" I get up brushing myself off then exiting the greenhouse. I inhale deeply not feeling good whatsoever and then decide to go inside and talk to Fiona I needed to know how she really felt and if she wanted to make this work as much as I do. I head up to my room to see if she was still in there and no surprise she was she was sat on my bed smoking a cigarette. I sigh and go inside "hey..". She smiled and patted the space next to her on the bed "hey sweetheart". I sat down next to her "we need to talk..". She nods "ok what's up darling you may need to make it quick though because I need to be going soon". I sigh "how long for this time". She takes my hand "I don't know but you need to understand all of this that I do is important it's for you for the coven for all of you". I pull away from her "do you know what I really need..I need my girlfriend to be here at night I need you to be here for more than a few hours before you disappear again over the last few weeks I've barely gotten any sleep because you weren't here so what you really need to ask yourself is so you really love me enough to make this work or are you just in this relationship for the sake of having it because before me you were a lonely old cow who no one liked" by this point tears were streaming down my face "since you clearly don't have anywhere to stay because Delia gave your room to one of the younger girls because your never here you can stay in here for tonight I will sleep on the sofa". I turned towards the door and she looked up at me about to leave "y/n...". I turn to her "don't you dare you can't fix this you have hurt me too much" I walk out of the room and head downstairs curling up on the sofa it was the weekend so most of the girls were with their family's luckily. I buried my head in my knees and burst into tears the crying becoming muffled into the blanket.

The only one to make her feel things (Fiona x reader)Where stories live. Discover now