Chapter 7

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Is that adorable or what? I think it is pretty adorable!! Baby Frost ( I legit named it that in my files ) and Evil Kangaroo. I approve! Props to the artist for whatever you wish to call this art cutesterpiece.


I think we all need to know what happened, and why Jack did what he did. Personally, I am quite upset with him for knocking us out. But, I need to find out for myself! So, let's go. 


Induced Sleep

What was going on? What happened? Something was different; I felt like something was taken from me. It was dark. As if the lights had been turned off. I would just stand up and feel around for the switch, but it started to slowly come back to me. My mind was piecing everything back together, and I chuckled mentally at a joke I was cultivating in my mind.

There isn't a light switch, is there? Still, no sound escaped my mouth, and everything was still dark. It was completely black in a place that never turns tonight. Something was wrong.

Faint voices were screaming in my ear. But, I still couldn't see them or even fully hear them. I was starting to get worried. Focus your mind, clear it and focus. What happened? With all the effort I could give, I concentrated.


Now everything was coming back in waves that flooded my entire being. Jack had knocked me out with something. What was it? No matter how hard I thought, I couldn't remember what he had poured onto me. No, it wasn't that I couldn't remember. It's that there was nothing to remember! I didn't figure out what he had knocked me out with. Which was quite disappointing, seeing as I am a witch and technically am magic itself!

That didn't answer my question: Why is everything still dark? "... [Y/N] ... you have ... wake ... WAKE UP!" someone was shouting at me. Begging me even to just do something for them. While I couldn't figure out what they wanted from me, I knew that I needed to see.

"... [Y/N] Hallow!"

~ Jack's POV ~

*Much earlier*

I am a horrible person. What is wrong with me? I betrayed her! [Y/N] Hallow was laying on a bed, under a forced sleep. She couldn't even protect herself if something were to happen! She was trapped inside her own mind, the perfect prey for Pitch.

There wasn't another way. At least that was the way I saw it. She was either going to come with me and get herself killed, or she was going to have to sleep. Sleep was the best option in my eyes.

I had been tracking Pitch for a couple hours. If [Y/N] were here, she would know how long it has been. Still, with no luck, I continued to follow his trail. While I have never been the best at making plans, I was proud of this one. I had even written it on a piece of paper.

Plan: Trail Pitch, find Cupid in the process, convince him to come with me to help [Y/N] at all costs, have him help her, have her wipe his memory of how to get to the pole, and finally leave Cupid, someone, far away from the Pole.

My slight cursive handwriting has faded and converted into a half cursive/half print kind of thing, but I never really was one to write down something. I rather do things than write them down.

Cupid has still not yet been found. Though, I do feel as if he is around here somewhere. I might as well call out to him. I mean, I have been trailing them for what feels like forever. I looked around one final time before shouting into the vast woods that I was flying through. "Cupid! Are you out there? I- [Y/N] needs help!"

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