Nowhere To Run

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~Metions of murder and such (duh)~

(I'm not putting the lyrics in between so please listen to the song or whatever)
(Ps, this sucks for angst)

I'm running out of breath and im running out of speed, the man whom i thought loved me is after me with a knife at hand, chasing me down like i'm some kind of animal and he's the hunter, i don't understand why he's doing this, why he's hunting me down and calling my name like a phyco.
I'm afraid he can hear my pants for air, I'm afraid he is behind me and is just watching me struggle for air, I'm afraid my time is up and I'm going to be killed by the man I love.

"Billy! Where are you Honey?!" He yells for me, i want to find him, i want to ask him why he's doing this to me but i know it's all a trick to get me out of my hiding spot, a trick to make me think that he still loves me, whoever he is, because he's not my Steve, there is no way that's him.
"Billy!?" he yells again, but he seems so much closer, so much louder.

My breath hitches when I hear his footsteps on the gravel road getting closer and closer. He's playing games with me now. I know it, there is no way he's this close already, unless he had some inhuman speed, which I wouldn't doubt for a second.
This is it, my time has come, he's now yelling at me, streaming even, he doesn't know where I am but he knows that I'm close to him.

His footsteps soon faded, I slowly looked out from my hiding place to see where he was, luckily he was far enough away from me to run somewhere else, I only hoped he didnt hear my footsteps, if he did I would be in deep shit.
"I know you're somewhere baby" Steve's words were harsh and full of confidence, which made me less confident. "Come face me like a man Billy! Face me like the monster you are!" Those words hurt more than anything.

"What's the matter? Insults not your thing?" Steve mocked, I could hear the smirk in his words, that horrid smirk i loved once before, that was the very thing that didn't make me as scared as before, he was right, i was a monster, but so is he, and at the moment he's more of the monster than i'll ever be.
"I'm not afraid of you!" I yelled in the heat of the moment, it's like something in hikm clicked when he heard my voice, he seemed to get angrier, his head whipped around looking for where my voice may have come from, "So now you want to talk?" he muttered laughing a little, "Come talk to me baby."

Right now I wasn't thinking anything else but wanting to punch that son of a bitch, whoever was in Steve's body was making him say and do things he would never in a million years do, I know that's not Steve, and I'm planning on making sure he doesnt hurt anyone else.
"I'll face you like a man when you become one!" I yelled, i heard him laugh loudly "Billy i'm more of a man than you'll ever be!" he yelled back starting to walk towards my voice.



"You don't mean that."

"So now you're showing compassion to me? Cute but not going to get you anywhere"

"Steve this isn't you"

"Sure it isn't, it's the new and improved me"

"What did i do to you?"

"It's hard to say Billy, more like what haven't you done to me?"

"Im sorry Steve"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it"

I went quiet, I could feel that made Steve a little nervous, I made sure my movements were just as quiet as I snuck behind him and hit him with a smallish piece of wooden fencing I found while looking for a hiding spot.
He gasped and quickly swung around, almost reaching me with his knife. I was quicker, I hit him again, and again, and again, until he was gasping for air on the ground.

I wanted more than anything to hold him and tell him I was sorry, tell him I forgive him for saying those things to me, for hunting me down, but I couldn't do that to someone I didn't know anymore.
"You wouldn't kill me!" He smiled up at me, "You wouldn't even dare" his confidence scared me more than anything, but that was the same confidence I had when I would fight with my father. It wasn't real, it was just for show.

"I love you Steve" his smile faded as i started to hit him once more, over and over and over, watching the blood pour out of him made me sick to my stomach, watching his face move from smiling to frowning to expressions of pain.
Soon his eyes were lifeless, his body was limp and most of his blood was on the ground.

Somehow, it was no longer as dark as it was before, i might have guessed it turned day time, but i wasn't thinking of what time it was, i was thinking about how i just killed my one of my best friends, and lovers, but instead of feeling sad and horrible, i felt relieved.
Maybe that's why he called me a monster.

I really wish this was all a nightmare and I could wake up next to Steve, having him smile and tell me how much of an asshole I am, but I knew that would never happen.

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