Hehehe oops

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Im so sorry for nor updating my books, like any of them for a REALLY long time :/

I lost my account then got it back then lost it again then got it back- like wtf (ง'̀-'́)ง

Anyways, i maybe adding some more chapters, idk yet but they may include other ships- not the main purpose of the chapters because of course this is a Harringrove book :)

I mean I might add Steve x someone random just so the story can make more sense because of the song?

As well as background ships like Nancy x Barb or Will x Mike (including Joyce x Hopper)

Either way-

Also I might add some none song related chapters, I'll include some type of song in there but it won't be inspired by it! :)

Tbh I missed writing stuff in this book and I'm really proud of my first few chapters, the rest are uhhhhhh okay I guess? Not the best but it's doable ☺︎︎

Anyways! Have a good day and or night! I love you all :)

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