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I live in my own world og make belive
Kids screaming in their cradles, profanities
I see the world through eyes covered in ink and bleach
Cross out the ones who heard my cries and watched me weep

Billy lived in his own world, half of the time he didnt know what was real and what was fake, the night of the burning of the mall he remembered hearing children screaming, no one was in the mall, but he heard screams of what he swore were baby screams, his vision was filled with the redness of blood, his vains still black, thick black blood ran down his arms from his vains, he couldnt help but cry he was surely going to die, he was going to die knowing that he had helped kill innocent people and tear there familys apart, he had hurt Max and her friends, if he would live he surly thought they would want to get ride of him, and Steve, he could hear Steves voice, his soft crys, Billy wanted nothing but to erase this moment from all there memories.

I love everything
Fire spreading all around my room
My worlds so bright
Its hard to breathe but that's all right, hush

Billy was rushed to the hospital, Steve had stayed with the kids incase anything happend, El was with Hopper, Will gladly took his mothers love, everyone else took great comfort in Mama Steve, Max didnt want to stay with Steve she wanted to go with Billy, Steve told her no, she listened and instead held very tightly to Lucas. All Billy could remember from the trip to the hospital were flashing lights, the light from the inside of the ambulance was so bright it hurt his eyes, he could remember the pain he had felt, he couldn't breathe it was to painful, the paramedic next to him helped him and told him things that he couldnt remember, he soon fell asleep due to the meds they had given him.

Tape my eyes open to force reality
Why can't you just let me eat my weight in glee
I live inside of own world of make believe
Kids screaming in their cradles profanities
Some days I feel skinnier than all the other days
And sometimes I can't tell if my body belongs to me

Billy eyes were bolted opened he could close his eyes incase he missed something he wished Steve was with him, they tried to make him eat, when he did they said he ate too much, he didnt understand why he couldnt eat as much. Billy was very heavily medicated, he didnt know half the time if he was awake or not, he had hallucinations, of his mother he would get angry and the staff of the hospital didnt know why, he wanted Steve to be there with him, he would question why he wasnt there, he wondered if what had happend meant that there love was over, god he hoped that wasnt true. When they brought him food he didnt eat it, he didnt want it, no reason he just wasn't ever hungry, he was turning very skinny not to the point were he should seek help, but soon he would. He still had flashbacks to the event, he didnt know why but sometimes he felt he wasnt in his body, like it wasnt him, but someone pretending to be him, he just assumed it was the medication he was given.

I love everything
Fire spreading all around my room
My worlds so bright
Its hard to breathe but that's all right, hush

I want to taste your content
Hold your breath and feel the tension
Devil's hide behind redemption
Honesty is the one way to the gate of hell
I want to taste consumption
Breath faster to waste oxygen
Hear the children sing along
It's the music 'til the wick burns out, hush

When Billy did get better Steve went to visit him, Steve had brought the kids, of course they wanted to come to observe Billy, Billy was so druged he didnt seem to mind, when Steve had convinced the kids to leave he stayed with Billy holding his hand, Billy didn't say a word Steve didnt say a word, they didn't know what to say, when Steve was about to leave he kissed Billys forehead, Billy smiled and grabbed hold of Steves hand, "please come back" Steve promised he would, and left, no one would admit it but there was a lot of tension between them. Once Billy got out he got alot of shit from the town, it was all over the papers, people called him a monster, he tried to redeem himself, but what was that going to do, nothing thats what. He started to get angry again, like he always did, he didnt get mad at people but himself was the main target. Steve tried to help but Billy didnt want his help, well he did, but not when Steve brought the kids, not all of them wanted to help, but some did.

Just wanna be care free lately, yeah
Just kicking up daisies
Got to many quarters in my pocket
Count 'em like the four leaf clovers in my pocket
Untied laces, yeah
Just tripping on daydreams
Got dirty little lullabies playing on repeat
Might as well just rot around the nursery and count sheep

(Im gonna be honest, its not good, it took me a while and i just ran out of creativity tbh, i hope you understand, love u all!) 🌻

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