Chapter 5- The Party

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Important A/N at the end

Clarke's POV

It's finally Friday and I am just so ready for the weekend. I promised Octavia I would go with her to the party but I don't plan on doing anything honestly. Normally on Friday nights, I would sit in my room and paint. I have never been to a party or done anything crazy since my freshman year when I went to a bonfire hosted by one of the football players but I left after an hour because everyone was there to hook up or drink.

Finn isn't going to be at the party because he has some family thing going on at home. I kinda wish Finn would be there but I know he needs to go home for the family thing he has going on. Octavia told me she is going to help me get ready for the party since I have no idea what to wear.

I'm currently in my fifth class of the day which is a child development class. It not my favorite course I have but I need to take it to get my degree. "Alright class dismissed don't forgot to continue studying your notes," the professor says. I grab my things and head out to see Finn standing in the hall waiting for me. "Hey Finn," I say walking over to him. "Hey Clarke how was your class?" He asks as we head across campus together.

Finn doesn't have a class right now since he's got canceled due to his professor being sick. "Boring," I respond. "At least you get to have fun tonight and party," he tells me. "I haven't ever been to a party before though. Plus the last time I went to an event like this I hated it." "That was high school trust me college parties are way better. Besides it's not like you have to party every weekend," Finn says.

"I guess but at least I'm going to have some friends there and won't be lonely," I say with a smile. "I still wish I could go but I have a family thing this weekend and I can't miss it," He says looking away. "What is your family doing?" I ask. "My cousin is coming to visit and so we have a family dinner," He says. We reach my class and say goodbye since he won't be back until Monday.

Once my classes ended for the day I headed to the dorms to get ready with Octavia. I walk in to see Octavia already doing her hair and makeup. "Hey, how did class go?" Octavia asks. "A little more entertaining than it has been all week," I say setting my stuff on my bed. "What time does the party start?"I ask. "It starts at 6 which means we have 2 hours to get ready and get pictures," Octavia says putting her lipstick down.

"Now we need to find a cute outfit for you to look hot in even though Finn won't be there," Octavia says pulling me towards my closest. "Okay bassed on your closet you're going to need to borrow a dress from me," Octavia says heading over to hers. "I haven't ever been to a party or worn a dress," I respond. "This one is perfect for you," Octavia says pulling out a short pink dress. "Go put this on with some cute heels," Octavia says handing them to me, Well here goes nothing;

Bellamy's POV

I ended up getting done with school early since my last class ended a bit early. My mom had texted me this morning to say Madi hasn't been feeling good. I have been worrying about her all day even though my mom keeps telling me not to get too worried and giving me updates. I decided to stop and get Madi some medicine since she hasn't been sick since she was 10 months old. I grabbed some children's ibuprofen and a small stuffed bear that was on sale for a dollar before paying and heading home.

When I got to my mom's house I headed inside and brought the Ibuprofen so it could start to work before we headed home. Madi was laying on the couch with my mom watching blues clues. "Madi looks who's here," My mom says, getting her attention. "Daddy," Madi says as her face lights up. "Hey sweetie you feel any better?" I ask her, feeling her forehead. "My head and tummy still hurts," Madi says, yawning.

"She spent most of the day relaxing and slept for a few hours even after some medicine. She took some less than an hour ago," my mom says. "I'll take her in tomorrow if she's still not feeling good," I say lifting Madi into my arms. "Alright let me know if you need anything," My mom says. "I will," I say heading out.

Clarke's POV

We just arrived at the party and I have no clue what I am doing. Honestly, parties have never been my thing. "Clarke these are the guys who tend to be around my brother more, Murphy, Miller, and Lincoln," Octavia says breaking me from my thoughts. I swore I saw sparkles in her eyes when she said Lincoln. "Guys this is my roommate Clarke," she says. "Nice to meet you I'm going to get a drink," Murphy says walking off. Lincoln grabs him and pulls him next to him.

"Can you at least be nice for once?" Octavia says to him. "Nope I'm an asshole for a reason," Murphy responds. "Then how did you ended up with Emori?" Miller asks. Murphy just shrugs. "I'm guessing Murphy is normally an asshole?" I ask Octavia. She nods and pulls me further into the party.

Towards the end of the night, Octavia is off dancing with Lincoln while I am sitting and talking to Harper. "So are you and Monty together yet or is it just like a crush?" I ask her. "Uhm we just started dating but we want to keep on the down-low," She says blushing. I was about to respond with the door opened as the guy that bumped into me earlier walked in. "Harper where's Octavia?" He asks her. "Last I knew she was in the kitchen," Harper replies.

"So you're Octavias brother the same guy bumped into me and called me princess for no reason?" "Shut up princess, now someone better tell me where she is before the cops get here," He says storming off. "I'll follow him make sure to get people out of here before the cops come," I tell Harper. She nods and goes to tell Monty and Jasper who are currently drunk on moonshine.

I follow him to the kitchen where Octavia is talking with Lincoln. "Bell what are you doing here?" She asks in shock but slurring her words. "Miller called and said the neighbors called the cops so I'm getting you out of here before you get caught," he says. "Oh Clarke this is my brother Bellamy, Bell this is my roommate Clarke-" "Yeah I know she's the princess who bumped into me yesterday," He says clearly angry. "Seriously what is your problem with me I haven't even done anything to you?" I ask.

"I would shut your mouth princess and leave before you ruin your perfect reputation," He says glaring at me. "O come on I don't have time your clearly intoxicated, I'll bring you to the dorms tomorrow," he says. "See you later LIncoln," Bellamy says walking out with Octavia. "Seriously what is his problem with me?" I ask Lincoln.

"He has a hard time trusting people so he acts like an asshole. He's been through a lot, it's not my place to tell but I'm sure you'll find out eventually," He tells me kindly. "I gonna head out before the cops get here, if I were you I would too," I tell him. "I will, I'm going to grab Murphy before he does something dumb drive safe he tells me.

As soon as I get in my car I pull out of the driveway and head back to the dorms. I didn't drink because it's just not something I want to do. But I now have a new question on my mind, Why does Bellamy Blake hate me so much?

Hey guys! I'm super sorry for the lack of updates lately. I was going through some crap back in February that I needed to take a break from writing and deal with it. I also took some time to focus on my mental health instead of letting it get worse. I had started writing this chapter earlier this week but my laptop which I normally write all of my stories on quit working so I had to write this on my family's computer which makes it harder because I get interrupted easier. Okay now that I am done with that what did you guys think of this chapter? Why do you think Bellamy hates Clarke so much? Also is Finn really telling Clarke the truth? I hope you all have an amazing week and I'll see you in the next update!-Samantha

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