Chapter 2- First day

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Clarke's POV

Today is the day I move into the dorms and I finally get to meet my roommate. I'm nervous about classes and meeting my roommate but other than that I'm excited to finally get away from my past and from my mom.

When I was a senior in high school my mom was trying to force me to go into medicine and work as a doctor. I have had no desire to work as a doctor or anything with medicine. My dad was the one who convinced her to let me be. My mom refused to pay for college so my dad said he would pay for me to go to college to become an art teacher. My parents have been divorced since I was 6 since then my mom remarried a guy named Marcus Kane a few years ago who became my stepfather.

I pull into the parking lot and head towards the front office to figure out where my dorm was. "Hi, how can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asks. "Hi I'm here to get my dorm key and schedule," I say. "Name please?" "Clarke Griffin," I respond. She types something into the computer then goes to grab something. "Here's your key dorm 107 and here' your schedule," She says.

 "Thank you," I say leaving. I then head back to my car to get my things before heading into the dorm building. Once I got to the door of my room I use my key to unlock it. I go inside and see another girl sitting on her bed with her computer. She looks up as I walk in and smiles. "Hi, you must be my roommate?" She asks getting up. "Yeah, Hi my name Clarke," I say setting one of my bags down. "Octavia Blake and I can tell we're going to be great friends," she says. "It's great to meet you," I say smiling. "Go ahead and make yourself at home we should have a movie night," Octavia says. "Definitely," I say.

After I had officially unpacked everything Octavia and I decided to learn more about each other. "Okay, so I'll start," Octavia says sitting down on her bed. "I was born and raised here in Arkadia along with my older brother, he's a year older than us," She explains. 

"I'll go," I say. "I grew up in Polios then moved to Ton DC with my mom when my parent divorced, then my senior year I went back to Polios to live with my dad," I say. "Off-topic but one of my friends is throwing a party this weekend and I was wondering if you would go with me so you could meet some of my friends?" She says. "Sure," I say.

Bellamy's POV

Second day of class and I'm already wanting it to be the weekend so I can spend it with Madi. This morning she threw a fit because I wouldn't let her come to class with me. I had told her that when we got home we would spend it just the two of us.

"Murphy you bringing extra alcohol this weekend?" Dax yells to him as we walk in. "No Dax I'm working so go talk to your weak little friends and don't talk to me he yells back. "Whatever John," He yells walking away. Lincoln and I grab Murphy by the shoulder so he doesn't punch him. "He's not worth your time," Lincoln says. 

"I swear he's dead by the end of the semester," Murphy mumbles. "He's just a kid who thinks he's all high and mighty," I say. "See you later Bellamy," they both say as I walk into my first class.

After class, I met up with Murphy so we could head to work together. Murphy's parents own a bar and grill in town which we both work out so his parents will continue paying for his college and so I can afford to live on my own with Madi and pay for things. "I want to beat the crap out of Dax right now," Murphy says as we enter the restaurant.

 "I know we can't though unless we want to get suspended or kicked out," I tell him. "Yeah I know," He says grabbing his order book. "So how does Octavia like her roommate?" Murphy asks changing the subject. "I think she likes them, I don't know. She hasn't texted me," I respond.

Clarke's POV

Octavia and I have learned a lot about each other and have already close friends. She told me a bit about her brother about how he lives off-campus and works at a local restaurant but that's about it. I also learned she is studying to be a Veterinarian. We decided to watch a movie together since it's our first night in the dorms and tomorrow's the first day. She also said I would be meeting her friend group at lunch tomorrow which is pretty exciting. We decided to watch The Fault in our stars

. "Bro if they kill Augustus I'm going to cry," Octavia says. "Me too and I'm not ready to cry," I tell her. By the end of the movie, we were both in full-on tears crying together. "I was not expecting that ending," Octavia says wiping her tears. "Same here I thought just maybe they would let Hazel be happy with Augustus," I reply also wiping tears from my cheek. "They really wanted to make us cry didn't they?" Octavia says with a small laugh.

 "They really did," I say also laughing. I look at my phone and see it's 11:30. "We should probably head to bed since we both have early morning classes," I tell her standing up to stretch. "Yeah I have a class at 6:30 so I should probably get some sleep so I don't pass out during class," She says yawning. "Goodnight," I say hoping in my bed. "Goodnight don't forget 12:30 lunch," Octavia says hoping in her bed. "I won't I have a reminder on my phone," I say plugging my phone in. I fell asleep quickly dreading tomorrow.

Hey guys! I know I said I would update during thanksgiving break but I had things for school I needed to get done before break ended. I promise I will try and update more than I have been lately. I know there wasn't much of Bellamy and Madi in this chapter but there will be in the next chapters moving forward. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day and stay safe!- Samantha

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