Her son, The gaurd dog

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Above is the contract symbol for Mary and Devat.


I sat in my study, going through an enormous amount of paperwork. I furrowed my brow as the summer sunlight seeped through the window behind me. I heard someone enter and looked up. Mary my head maid walked up to me and placed a tea tray on the table, she smiled gently as I looked back down at my work "how is she?" I asked "Dr. Black says she's doing fine this season, he believes it's warm enough for her to go outside for some sort of exercise" she says. I nod "alright. Thank you for the tea" I say, Mary was a demon, I had formed a contract with her two years ago in hopes that I could cure my mother's broken heart and do my job as the Queen's gaurd dog, but the only way for that was to find the man named Ciel who was supposed to be my father, but he seemed more like an idiotic coward. I still hadn't found him to this day. Mary was also in love with Dr. Black who was, in fact, a grim reaper. The two were mates but that never got in the way of their duties.

Dr. Black was the manor's doctor, we had quite a strange amount of creatures here so we had always needed a special doctor. Our cook and the two other gardeners were soldiers before they came here, their bloody good with guns and also good at their jobs. Sometimes I missed Mey-Rin and Bard, but Finny was still around as our head gardener. I sometimes ran into the grim reapers my mother had met a few times when the last Earl was here but I see them more often in her room. She comes close to death because of illness but everytime she seems to keep holding onto hope that Ciel will return, but I doubt that. She had told me he was turned into a demon, a few days before my birth and the morning after he took his other demon butler and disappeared.

Finally Mary pulled out a letter, the Queen's symbol printed into it and I took it with a sigh, opening it and beginning to read it.

'Dearest Beloved guard dog,

Little girls have been going missing all throughout London. They are orphans but they are still part of London as citizens. I'm worried whoever is kidnapping them will continue and soon move on to other children, please stop this person in any way necessary.

Queen Victoria'

I sigh "Mary, the newspaper please" I say and the demoness hands me the rolled up paper. I opened it and began scanning through and finally found the article on the missing little girls. They ranged from 6 to 8 and none of them had any significant connections when it came to appearance. No bodies had been found and a total of 10 had been taken from different orphanages. I furrowed my brow once again before sighing "find any information you can on the missing children and the orphanges. In the meantime I am going to visit mother" I say, the housekeeper bows "yes, my lord" she says before turning and leaving the room. I stand and run a hand through my short blue hair before leaving the study and walking down the Manor's halls. I notice Finny, Gray, and Charlie working outside in the gardens as usual, the bright petals swaying slightly in the warm summer breeze.

Finally I make it to my mother's room and gently knock before entering quietly. The room was colored with whites, creams, and light browns. The window curtains had been drawn back to allow the sun's rays to brighten the room. I turned my bright blue eyes to the bed and I saw her. She was sitting up under the sheets, her H/L H/C hair uncombed and messing as she faces the window, her S/C skin was slightly paler than it should be but she looked well fed and healthy. She turned her head and her once bright E/C gaze, now dull and empty, landed on me. A warm smile spread across her features, but her eyes remained void, my own expression softened into one of gentle happiness. Everyday when I came to visit her she would give me that sweet and sincere smile which comforted me even if her eyes could not. She blinked slowly before she spoke "hello, Devat. How are you?" She asks softly, her voice was clear but there was an edge to it that signaled how rarely used it was "I'm doing fine, mother. How about you? How are you feeling?" I asked, matching her gentle tone as I sat on the edge of the bed beside her. She gently took one of my hands in her own as she nodded gently "I'm feeling better today. Do you think maybe we could...go to the music room? I want to play the piano" she tells me and I felt an ache in my chest, seeing her like this hurt but her requests were never denied. I nodded "sure, then maybe we could go to the garden. The doctor wants you to get some exercise and some fresh air" I explain, giving her hand a small and soft squeeze. She nods gently.

I help her out of bed and grab her cane. I hold her left hand as she uses the cane with her right. We slowly and no cautiously make it out of the room, going down some halls before entering the music room. We sit down together at the bench infront of the grand piano. I open the case that protected the white keys and glanced at Y/N. She hesitantly pushed a key down and raised her hands, beginning to play a slow but beautiful song. I joined her and together our notes merged, creating a warming melody, I could see her smile as she played and watched life and joy flicker through her eyes. Once the song was over though her eyes went back to emotionless but her soft smile remained.

Finally we went to the garden, Finny setting his watering can down to help mother sit down in a patch of white and punk daisies. I sat beside her and the light flickered in her E/C eyes once more "do you remember what I taught you? Can you tell me what they are saying?" She asks. When I was younger she had taught me to understand and speak to flowers as I also carries the Petalis gift. She taught me to pay attention to the movements of the darkness that taunted but also lead. I smile and nod, taking a moment to listen to the daisies "she has returned...the lovely blue flower as well" they whispered. "They seem to have missed us" I reply, she nodded telling me I was correct "mistress Y/N, would you like some more flowers for your room?" Finny asked from a few feet away as he watered some blue orchids but my mother shook her head and Finny returned to work. Gray and Charlie were picking out the dead flowers in a patch of roses a bit farther away. Everything was peaceful and quiet, the birds sang softly as the warm breeze swept over us, the white clouds gliding softly over our heads. I enjoyed these moments with my mother and I knew she did too, but they never lasted long.

Mary had gathered the information I needed so I had Gray and Charlie help my mother back to her room while I went back into my study. I scanned through the information and it seemed the girls going missing were only from church orphanages. It had been two weeks since the last kidnapping, so I need to pay a visit to the last church that reported a missing girl. I frowned slightly "ready a carriage Mary. We are paying a visit to the Darington Chapel Orphange" I order. Let's get this over with.


Words (not including any messages in bold): 1331

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