Her son, His return

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It's had been two months since Briar had arrived and she enjoyed it here. I would spend time with her in town and the manor whenever I could. I got to know her likes and Dislikes and her personality. I introduced her to my mother a month ago and the two seemed to enjoy each others company. She loved the fact that Y/N and I could hear and speak to flowers. Now I was sitting at my study, it was around ten at night and everyone was asleep except Mary, Finny, Riccardo, and Dr. Black. Suddenly a knock was heard at the door and confusion lit my features, who would be here at this time of night? I waved Mary off to go see, watching the demoness walk out of the study.

Mary's POV

I got to the door very quickly since I used my inhuman speed. I opened the door slightly and my neon lime green eyes narrowed slightly. Two men, one with dark blue hair and dark sapphire eyes and the other with pitch black hair and crimson eyes, stood at the door. The rain was pouring heavily "good evening gentleman. What brings you to the Phantomhive estate at this hour?" I asked politely. Something wasn't right with these two. The blue haired man huffed "My name is Ciel Phantomhive and I have returned" the man states. My eyes widened slightly as I stared at the two, finally I noticed it, they were both demons. There was no doubt in my mind that this...this was Davet's father.

I recovered from my shock and opened the door wider "well then, please come in. I respectfully welcome you back, Mr. Phantonhive" I say as the two entered. I took their coats and hung them as they looked around at the unchanged manor "so, who might you be?" The other man asked, he seemed like a butler. I smile gently "My name is Mary Blouse, I am the housekeeper and personal protector to the young earl. I am a demon and he is my master" I explain "if I'm not mistaken you are Sebastian Michealis. The manor itself has not changed since you left but the staff has. Though, if I may, what brings your sudden return?" I ask curiously. Ciel doesn't look at me as he answers "I came to check up on things, maybe spend a week or two if the head of the house allows it...speaking of, who is in charge?" He asks, I smirk slightly "the master is in his study, right this way" I tell them, leading them through the mansion before opening the study door. Devat was focused on his work and didn't look up "my lord, you have visitors" I say gently, he huffs "who would meet with me this late-" as he looks up he cuts himself off. I allow the the two in and shut the door behind them. My master's shock is quickly replaced by annoyance, anger, and disgust as he narrows his eyes "and who might you two be?" He asks, his voice cold. This should be interesting.

Devat's POV

The rain patterned against the window behind me as I waited for one of them to answer. I knew who they were but I wanted confirmation "don't you recognize your own father?" He scoffed questioningly. I rolled my eyes before setting my pen down and gathering the papers on my desk into a pile "my father died a few days before my birth" I grumble, not looking at them. I could feel Ciel glaring at me which made me feel slight satisfaction before I set the pile of papers down and straightened in my chair "why are you here?" I ask, uninterested and annoyance lacing my voice. Sebastian answers this time as Ciel sits in the arm chair infront of my desk "we have come to see how the manor is doing and what changes have been made. My master was also hoping to stay for a week or two" he explains, I chuckle in disbelief "you think that after all you have done that I will allow you such a privilege? You must be really stupid or really desperate" I respond, Ciel narrows his eyes as I continue "but, you being here could help to fix a certain issue, but before I get into that I will answer any questions you have about the manor or staff, then I am going to say the things I have been wanting to say for years, after which I'll answer two questions you have about mother" I explain, the two demons listen quietly as I go on "then I want to know whether you plan to actually be in this family or disappear again. Finally, based on what you tell me and how I feel at then end of this conversation I may or may not allow you to stay for a week for two" I state, my voice was stern as it forced my point across. 

Ciel is quite for a moment before he finally sighs "fine, I'll play by your rules for now" he says. Both of the Demons begin their questions, they ask about the old staff and I tell them Tanaka has passed, Mey-Rin and Bard retired, and that Finny is still here as our head gardener. They then ask about the staff now and I explain who everyone is, what they are, and why their here or what they do here. Finally they finish but before we could begin the next step Ciel speaks "if you don't mind answering, I would like to know about you our contract with Mary" he says, his dark eyes glancing back at the maid before returning to me. I sigh and nod "the contract was made two years ago, the terms of the contract are slightly more complicated though" I begin my explanation as everyone quietly listens. "My goal is split into two parts. The first was to find you and bring you back but since your already here that part is complete. The second is to help my mother, I want to make her happy, to see her walk around and play in the garden, to fix her broken heart. Until both of these goals are complete, Mary will serve me, protect me, and keep me alive until I have achieved my goal. She will follow my every order and not lie, in return she will get my soul" I finish, I notice Mary's eyes flash magenta as that's what demon eyes do. 

Finally it's my turn. My gaze turns ice cold but my expression remains calm as I begin "ever since I could remember my mother was always sad. She rarely sad miles or showed emotion unless she broke down. I didn't know the reason until I was five when she told me that my 'father' abandoned her, leaving her a mansion and a baby to take care of. He didn't even visit, so when I think of him all I see is an irresponsible, disloyal, selfish coward who left his wife the moment his son was born. No reason was given. She wasn't even sure if he loved her anymore because demons rarely showed emotion" I began, the anger in my voice was noticeable "do you know what I had to go through just to get where I am now? The moment I turned four I was taught to use a sword and a gun. I was taught how to be an earl. I was taught how to be the queen's gaurd dog, and how to run the company until I turned eight. I wasn't even allowed to see my mother most of the time, the only time I did is when I snuck into her room. She taught me how to understand the flowers and the darkness, even how to speak to them" I say, this surprises them slightly, mother had told me that sebastian had taught her to understand them but couldn't teach her to talk back so after they left she taught herself. I continue as they stay quiet "I became the owner of the Funtom Company, Earl, the Queen's dog, and head of the Phantomhive family the moment I turned nine! I was not even in an arranged marrriage yet I was more experienced, hardworking, and very well mannered than Nobles who were ten times older than me!" I begin to shout as a Crack of Thunder rings through the house "Everyone who shouldn't have helped me did, but the person who's duty and job it actually belonged to wasn't around! You, Ciel Phantomhive, have shamed our family name. You had a responsibility- no, a duty to this family but you denied it and ran. You have hurt my mother in more ways than you could ever think or dream of! You have abandoned a boy who needed a father! Then you have the audacity to continue thinking of yourself as a Phantomhive!? You ruined this family now it's my turn to fix it, it's my turn to actually give a bloody damn about this family!" I exclaim. He doesn't meet my gaze anymore, even Sebastian and Mary were unsure of how to react. 

Finally I straightened myself and took a deep breath, my voice quieting "your parents may have left you when you were young but they didn't cause the damage you did. You had the opportunity to actually be there for the moments your parents were not, only instead you abandoned us. You abandoned your duties as a company owner, an earl, the Queen's dog, but most importantly you abandoned us. You abandoned me." I say, soon another crack of Thunder is heard after the flash of lightning that had brightend the room as I spoke. Suddenly the door burst open and Briar rushes in, I stand and she races towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist in a hug. Ciel is startled slightly by the little girl's appearance. I stroke her head gently and all my anger disappears "what's wrong, Briar?" I ask her gently, she was trembling slightly and her voice was shaky as she spoke "I-I'm scared..." she mumbled and I sigh. Suddenly I hear running down the hall and a distraught voice as Finny appeared in the door way panting "lady Briar...please, we mustn't disturb-"

To be continued


Words (like usual): 1727

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