Her son, Corpses

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I look around the dark shop as I hear an eerie giggle "welcome back young lord! Are you here for a fitting~?" Asks a giggly voice. I roll my eyes as I see the tall silver haired man appear behind the counter, dropping himself in a chair and crossing his legs on top of the table, a sly grin on his face as his long bangs hid his eyes "you know that's not why I'm here" I huff. Undertaker chuckles "I'm surprised to see your little demon friend isn't with you today. It must be important if your here by yourself" he comments, nibbling on a biscuit shaped like a dog treat. "Yes, yes. Anyways, I was wondering if you have had any strange guests as of late" I cut to the chase, when your around undertaker you never want to hesitate, he takes it as a sign that he can get under your skin. He thinks for a moment before giggling "if you want that information you know what you have to do" he says, I sigh "I'm cashing in my favor, undertaker" I say, the man frowns slightly and clucks his tongue "oh well, that's too bad. Although, do you think that's a wise decision, young Phantomhive?" He asks, I cross my arms "enough, undertaker. Tell me what I want to know" I growl, my eyes turning cold. He giggles and sits up, leaning on the counter "alright. To answer your question I have. I have had three noblemen who work closely with the queen come in about...two weeks ago" he says "all three had a hole in the head, but no screws were loose" he chuckles to himself. I think for a moment, they were all shot in the head, most likely by a sniper. The mortician's voice cuts me from my thoughts "and the most interesting thing to me, was the mark that was burned into them" he giggles before standing and walking around the counter to stand infront of me. I glare up at the man who smirks "the corpses themselves have nothing else but a pentagram burned into their forehead and a bullet hole in their heads" he explains. I narrow my eyes slightly and turn away from the man, my coat swaying behind me "it's unlikely to be contract symbols...thank you as always, undertaker" I say. I get to the door only to bed stopped by a hand on my shoulder, I glare at the undertaker's black taloned hand as he giggles from behind me "do tell Ciel I welcome his return if you dont mind" he says, his eerie voice putting me on gaurd.

I huff "I'll tell him. Have a good day" I say as the man releases me and allows me to leave. I climb into my horse's saddle once again and we race back to the manor. They must have killed those men to send a warning to the queen before they actually attacked her. I'll have to find out more, Mary better have that information when I return.

Once I returned Mary was waiting for me. She put my horse up and I made my way to the gardens, I would talk later. I smelled of death like the shop but it wasn't super noticeable. Charlie looked over at me when I came into view "young master? Why do you smell of corpses?" He asks, I sweat drop "I-it's nothing" I huff. I hear my mother's voice and turn my head to the left  she sat with Ciel in a patch of daisies "don't tell me you went to see undertaker..." she says, I shrugged "duty calls" I say "oh and Undertaker welcomes you back" I tell Ciel who nods. Briar ran over to me from beside Gray, she was holding a bouquet of Roses "Devat!! What do they say?" She squeals the question. I chuckle and kneel infront of her, listening closely "The beautiful queen...gentle and sweet" they whisper, I chuckle and look into her emerald eyes "they say your a beautiful queen, they like that your gentle and sweet. And I must agree with them" I say, she brightens "really? How wonderful!" She says, the most joyful smile on her face. She runs back to gray, jumping up and down as she tells him. My gaze softens as I sigh, I slide my coat off and to my surprise Sebastian takes it and folds it, resting it on a nearby table. I straighten my vest and my gaze narrows slightly "besides, I got the information I needed. A favor is a favor" I say, Y/N smiles softly "what is the case now?" She asks gently. Ciel seemed interested so I slid the letter from my pocket and handed it to them. Mother read it first then Ciel "interesting..." the demon mutters.

I waved the matter off and we all got back to what we were doing, I joined Briar in flower collecting as Ciel remained with Y/N.


I leaned against Ciel, my head resting on his shoulder. My crystal E/C eyes held life once again. I stared up at the clouds and Ciel's hand intertwined with mine. Before we came outside Ciel apologized to me in the bedroom, telling me that he might continue to stay or leave once the week is over, he hadn't decided yet. Besides, it was also Devat's choice. I hope that for my sake Devat will let him stay...maybe we could finally be a family? Tears slid down my cheek but Ciel brought his free hand to my face, wiping them away "are you Alright?" He asks, his expression emotionless as usual and I nod "I'm just...happy" I whisper.


Words (not including bold): 950

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