Thirty Four

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I needed to get out of here, he.... Ron he.....knew the weakest of my emotions, perhaps that is what led so many beautiful years of friendship to culminate in such misery. Draco had us on the first flight out of Mumbai, Narcissa had insisted that I come to the Manor ASAP! The Malfoy blood magic was way too powerful to be played with and the heirloom ring needed to be taken off before it became overprotective causing more harm than necessary - the damage that it had done to Praful when he took my hand to comfort me was proof enough. The only way to get the ring off however was to get married and "go through" with it.  The sheer thought of it send shudders down my spine, this is all happening too soon.

Ron.... he... needed to go, what had become of him was something that he was never going to come out of, Draco had owled Harry to let him know what had happen and Harry had in turn taken charge of the investigation himself. Molly, Arthur and the entire Weasley clan had already disowned Ron when he set the house on fire with me in it.

At this point in time I'm just so confused, tired and done with life!

"No, you're not!"Draco piped up, "We are going back to london and we are going to live life the way we want to" he sighed.

"We shall try"

"We will!" Draco said putting his arm around my shoulder and nuzzling close.

When we got to the manor I was whisked away by the elves who for a reason I couldn't place were giggling a little too much, "Draco what's with the..." and before I could catch him he was out of earshot.

I was led into a room by the army of elves and before my eyes, was the most beautiful wedding dress I'd ever seen, on the table beside it was a note 'Dear Mione, tradition demands that the groom doesn't meet the bride the night prior to the wedding- I'll be waiting at the end of the aisle tomorrow at the break of dawn! All my Love D.'  So that's what the giggling was about. No wonder the room I  was taken to only had a view of the  front gates, The family rooms had views of the gardens and the rest of the estate! The wedding is happening at Malfoy Manor, how ironic.... life really does come full circle. 

This is happening, it finally is!

.... And they lived magically ever after!

Much love

Alexandra :)

New Delhi

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