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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
July 15 2020


Before he could get another word in, he watched as Kun and Xuxi managed to pull Yuta away from Sicheng and his neck, roughly pushing him onto the ground, Xuxi straddling the smaller's stomach to keep him down, who let out out a yelp of pain at the sudden weight on top of him.

   Yongqin, seeing the sight, yelled at the two, and unlike what the two would've thought he'd say, yelled panicking, "Get off him!!"


   "Yah! Xuxi! Get off him—" Before he could even begin to walk towards the tallest, Sicheng, who had been lying on the bed holding his neck with Kun beside him, shot up at once once he heard the yelp from the smaller alpha. Now able to see what was happening on the floor in front of him, the older alpha growled, grabbing the back of Xuxi's shirt and yanking him up and off and threw him to the floor, getting on his back and twisting the taller's arms so that there were held tight behind him, like how a police officer would hold someone. Yongqin could only guess it was his instincts that told him to attack Xuxi, instincts to protect his mate and pup.

   "Yah! Sicheng get off Xuxi!" Kun yelled at the younger, grabbing his shoulders only to be given a growl and shaking off.

   Yuta had sat up, scooting backwards —coincidently backing towards the desk near the omega who was still holding the papers— arms wrapped around himself, more specifically; his abdomen. Yongqin thought to himself, seeing the action, This must be real then.

Kun, seeing as he wasn't going anywhere with the two alphas, as the elder of the two was not budging, turned to the omega, confused, "Yah, Ten, What are you yelling about?" The leader was confused, Why should we not attack the attacker?

"Because of this." The Thai held out the paper and one of the three photos; which didn't sit well with Yuta that his private matter was being read by others who he believes aren't related. The Japanese when to grab for the papers, fury in his eyes until he saw the look the omega gave him, making him back down, leaving him to only glare at the Chinese leader.

Ignoring the two alphas in the back, Kun read the hospital report, eyes widening the further he read, he looked at the picture as well. He now understood why Yongqin was telling Xuxi to get up. The Chinese of course was stumped on how this was possible, but instead asked something else that he was confused about. Looking up, he looked to the smaller alpha was still begrudgingly sitting on the floor, "Yuta, if this is true... why are you here? And why were you choking Sicheng?"

The Japanese winkled his nose with distaste, not wanting to say the reason nor wanting to share the news with anyone he isn't close with, but thought thy had the right to know as he did barge in their dorm and strangle their groupmate, and with a voice quieter than he expected, "I-it's Sicheng's."

Though the Thai didn't question it, Kun did, Sicheng's? How? All he's ever done with Yuta was fight? Before he could ask anymore, Yuta spoke again, as if he read his mind, "Before you ask, this was not... supposed to happen. We were, were drugged, at our drama's celebratory party in May."

Yuta then proceeded to ignore the two, choosing instead to look at the two alphas on the floor. He watched Sicheng holding Xuxi down, growling in his ear, though he couldn't hear what he was saying, but by the slight fear in the younger's eye he could only guess he was being threatened.

   The Japanese's initial anger began to dissolve as he looked at the ravenet. His eyes began to water as his mind cleared and he realized what the other had done. While he was choking him, he could've easily thrown him off with his strength, but didn't and chose to instead try and pry his hands off without harming him; now he had thrown Lucas who had been sitting on him off once he had heard his yelp. If he hadn't yelled at Sicheng earlier the two probably would've been able to talk this out, but he had let his anger get the best of him and got aggressive when he shouldn't've.

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