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Hi Hello Annyeong

forgive my mistakes, I'm gettin lazy with editing

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
November 22 2020
5:26 PM

Three hours later, the umbilical cord was cut by Sicheng, the placenta removed, Yuta was situated in a hospital room, Jaemin by his side as Sicheng hopped between staying in his room and accompanying him and the NICU where little Renjun was being taken care of medically, being born prematurely he had to be watched, Sicheng had told him that the little one was hooked with a few wires and such. It was during when Sicheng went in the NICU that Yuta decided to do something; he was going to face his parents. When Jaemin arrived with Taeil and Dongyoung in tow, he had brought him his phone and laptop.

   Taeil and Dongyoung had left to get the members, at Yuta's request, leaving him and Jaemin in the room alone for the next half hour at least. When he first unlocked his phone, he had dozens of missed calls calls from his parents between one o'clock and two o'clock alone, but plenty during the last three hours. Opening his laptop, he went to open the video chat application, already seeing multiple missed requests. Jaemin sat beside him on the bed, shoulder to shoulder. Taking a deep breath, he clicked the 'Call' option, camera on.

   He was nervous, he was scared for his parents reaction. He was afraid they'll act the same as Sicheng's parents, but he has to tell them, he did promise Sicheng he'll tell them after the pup was born... it just happened sooner than he thought it would and now he has to own up to it.

He fidgeted with the sleeve of the hospital shirt he was given a while ago, since he did arrive nude and all –he would rather have his own shirt or hoodie -or when Sicheng's he wouldn't mind- but he had to put up with what he's got– but didn't have much time to think before the call was picked up just before the second ring.

   He was immediately met with the faces of his mother and Jaemin's father. He was immediately yelled at, which scared him, his face paling for a second before he listened to parts of what they were saying;

   "–What happened?! Why didn't you tell us earlier? Are you okay?! It says you went to the hospital!"

   "Yuta, what is going on? Are you alright?!"

   Yuta was stunned, tears prickling the corners of his eyes. Jaemin saw this, trying to get their worried sick parents to calm down, "Okaasan, Appa! Calm down! We're safe and healthy in the hospital!" At their sons words, the two took deep breaths, calming themselves. Yuta could faintly see dried tears on his mother's cheeks.

   Yuta's lips shook as he opened his mouth to say something, but what came out was sobs, tears coming to stream down his own cheeks. His hands came to wipe the tears that didn't stop, sobbing out, "I-I'm ss-sorry!"

   Seeing her sons tears made her emotional, ever since he presented on an alpha over a decade ago, she hasn't seen him cry openly, "Oh Yuta... why're are you sorry?"

    All the nasty comments he heard earlier that day came to mind, all the degrading and insulting words. "I-I I'm ssssorry I'm a disappointment and- and a sad excuse for an alpha!"

"Oh Yuta, baby..." His mother murmured.

Their father spoke up, "Yuta, this doesn't make you any less of a alpha. You not a disappointment, you're our son and a strong alpha." Heading it from an alpha, his father figure, made Yuta happier, ecstatic with the approval, his tears turning to happy ones.

Jaemin handed him a tissue with a smile, to wipe his tears away. It then when the door of the room slammed open, a tense Sicheng walking in. Why? Not long ago while watching their little son in the incubator, he felt a string of emotions, not him own though. A string of emotions of guilt, distress, sadness, and even a touch of self loathing. He knew these weren't his own, and there's only one person he could imagine that he could sense their emotions like this. Yuta. But why was he distressed? Did something happened? Knowing their pup will be fine, he left the unit, and as respectfully and quickly as he could came into Yuta's room, seeing the Japanese wiping his tears away, Jaemin handing him some tissues.

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