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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
September 19

   "YUTA! Have y—"

   "Not again..." the Japanese groaned. "Is it Sicheng or me this time?" He asked as he ate an Oreo.

   "Like- You." Yuta stayed silent waiting for him to explain what had happened, "So Jungwoo accidentally walked into Taeyong's Vlive but didn't know he was filming and began saying stuff like how you both were picking baby names—"

   "What?!? I'm fucked!" He groaned, dropping his Oreo to take his hands through his hair.

   "No– not exactly. He never mentioned your name or Sicheng– thank god for Taeyong– but now fans connect the dots, given they did creat their own, and are theorizing that you're on leave because you have a mate that's expecting."

   Oh, okay... not as bad—

   "And now fans want answers and the company hasn't given any notice beside the last for when they asked fans to respect your privacy. Some fans going as far as renting a truck to be parked outside the building to demand answers for 'one of the top idols that suddenly went quiet'."

   "Fuck." I don't need this type of stress in my life... His stomach feel uneasy, twisting— Nevermind it's not that I feel sick... Looks as if the ~ s t r e s ~ has awaken the pup to move a bit; it was a strange feeling, as if his stomach was full of liquid and he was running, expect he's not moving, and he's hungry, hence his munching on snacks.

"Have the company told you what they'll do?"

Dongyoung sighed, "I asked, they said they don't want to risk anything so they'll be keeping quiet. But if you want to post something on your insta, feel free to."

Yeah no. The last thing he wants is his pregnancy to be revealed to the public. "No thanks, I'm good." He answered. He then decided to ask an off topic question but one that was bugging him, "Doie, do you know when he'll be back?"

   Confused, "Hm? Who?"

   "...Sicheng." He hesitantly said.

   "Ah, I do actually-" Yuta sat up straight, as if that'll improve his hearing, "Taeil-hyung said they'll be back first sssooo... like in a week and a half. Why?"

   "O-oh, nothing!" Yuta tried not to show his excitement, he really wanted to see the Chinese —again, he won't say it aloud— who's scent he's been deprived of for much too long in his books. Hell, his scent is starting to fade in his apartment!

   The next day, instead of moping around and sleeping the days away as he has for the last three weeks, he was up and moving; he was tidying up the place. At some point he paused in the middle of cleaning, looking around with a disgusted face, "Why the fuck am I being like this? It isn't like the president is coming over, it's just fucking Sicheng, he doesn't even come until in week; this must be the hormones!" He argued with himself as he finished cleaning,  looking around his clean room, something felt... wrong...

   He glared at the nearly made bed, sheets with no wrinkles, so flat —like Taeyong's ass— with no disturbance at all. Scrunching up his nose, he went to his closet, pulling out extra blankets he would've used in winter. He spent the greater of the afternoon rearranging his bed sheets, piling the blankets and pillows on the large bed, forming a slight barrier on the edges of the bed. He also somehow found a hoodie of Sicheng's in his closet —where that came from, he doesn't know— and put that on, smelling the most citrus scent he's smelt in the last three week. Seeing how late it was –one in the morning– he curled up in the makeshift nest, pull the hoodie over his nose as he fell asleep.

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