C1: Runaway Girl

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I planned this runaway for about two months and the worst that could have happened was forgetting something important. So I was packing my bag, making sure to grab all the necessities. While packing I heard a knock on the door and covered my bag and belongings scattered on my bed with my blanket. "Who is it?", I ask.

"Don't worry it's just me". I sighed in relief at the voice behind the door.

"You can come in". The door opened and I saw my maid walk in. "Hello miss. Do you have everything ready?", Donna said. Donna was the best worker at my mansion, and my best friend. She was there when I was just coming out of my mother and had always supported me through thick and thin. Donna already knew about my plan so she helped me out with the preparations.

"Yup. Also remember, you don't need to call me miss. Do I look like a thirty-year-old woman to you?"

"At least us thirty year olds are wiser than you children"

"I'm not a child anymore. I'm already 19"

"Still a child in my eyes. Gosh I remember when you were this little" She lowered her hand down to her waist. "you were so cute and sweet. What happened?"

"I'm just getting older, you would know a lot about that"

"What's that supposed to mean?!" We both looked at each other and laughed.

"Wow, I almost forgot why I came up here. Your father wants you to come downstairs." My smile then disappeared into thin air and I trudged my way down the steps to the dining room table where my father sat.

"There you are. Come sit I have a few words to share." I sat down across from him with a stern look on my face as I played with the pasta in front of me.

"Look, I'm tired right now Eugene. What are you wanting to tell me?"

"Wow, now you don't even want to call me your father. You are a shame to see"

"Back to you"

I could tell he was holding back from yelling at me. He then release his words. "I just wanted to tell you that since you will be queen soon, I have some plans that are in the file next to you" I opened the file and looked at what was inside for a few seconds, then closed it.

"I'm not taking Mom's kingdom"

"It's in ruins now and there's no use in keeping it that way. Plus, it's technically ours since we combined our kingdoms"

"Well, technically, it wasn't officiated on the documents. And it's the last thing that was ever mom's. I'm not touching it"

"You're stupid, this is a great opportunity to expand our kingdom! Our population can skyrocket if we rebuild there, and our economy can increase seeing there are a lot of family owned businesses that live here."

"Okay then we can rebuild, but it's has to stay as the Hart Kingdom"

"It's becoming Stallard!"

"Eugene", I started. "What's the point in dictating me when I'm gonna be making my decisions and you'll no longer be in power"

"Young lady, I do not tolerate your behavior now!"

"Old man, I don't tolerate your efforts to only think about your own wants"

"I'm thinking about thousands of people. Magnolia, you are the one being selfish!"

"I think the person who is only doing this  because he hopes on raising the tax and living expense is more selfish, don't you think? Yeah, I overheard you talking with someone last night. I am not your little mistake anymore, and for the last time, My Name Is Maggie!"

"That's it go to your room and don't come out until I tell you so!"

"Fine!" I went upstairs before he could say anything else putting my plan into action. I told Donna my goodbyes and locked my bedroom door. I wish she could have came with me, but she insisted she would stay to make sure I didn't get caught.

Donna has told me about her life before. She was an orphan and never had parents that would take her. Then, my grandpa on my mom's side went to the orphanage to find some people that would work as maids and servants. That's when she started working for my mom's old kingdom before it was destroyed. My grandpa was killed during the bombing and luckily he was able to escort my mom and the most loyal servants out to safety. Donna moved into this mansion with my mom and once she witnessed how evil Eugene was, she knew she had to protect me with all costs.

I made sure I packed everything and changed into some basic clothes, nothing too fancy. The first time I tried to escape, I wore all black. Sure it worked at night, but when morning hit, the guards found me real fast.

Note 1: When being discreet, never wear black

I took the extra bedsheets and towels Donna gave me to make a rope and climbed down. My room was in the back corner of the house, so it was easy to get out of the house. Donna told me there was a route that I could take that wouldn't get me caught trying to get to the front of the house where the guards were. I climbed the gate and went through the forest behind our house. I then proceeded to navigate myself into the city.

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