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so Gulf wanted call to Off, but this time Mew got jealous

“ Why are you jealous, boo ?"

Mew looked at him and said "oh, nothing really, only that i wonder why you call him."

Gulf smiled knowing that he can make Mew jealous, with a married man

"Boo, why would you be jealous , did you forgot that Off has been dating Gun and are (secretly) married?"

he thought "Oh yeah... i forgot... oops" Gulf smiled and hugged him.

calling Off

O:hello Gulf, what's up?
G:hey P' Off, about the others,

(Mee gave Gulf a jealous glare,
and Gulf chunckeld and gave him a kiss)

O:Hello?... Gulf are you there?

G: oh, yeah, ehmm sorry, how are they?

Gulf was blushing, he completly forgot that he was on the phone, Mew  smirked,
knowing that he can make Gulf forget everything around them with a kiss

O:oh, they are completly fine.
we beat that awful woman  so would leave
the couples alone, but she didn't
listen so we sent the police to get her.
so, now she is in jail.

G: oh, ok cause you ruined our our plan,
we wanted to torture her, so she would
stop bothering Bright and Win.

O: hmm, are you sure you're not Type in real life ...5555

G: shhh…how did you know 5555, so that was that. thanks for the information P' Off, bye

O:  you're welcome, Type, bye 


Mew immediately attacked Gulf's lips and forced his tongue inside Gulf’s mouth.

Gulf moaned as Mew sucked on his tongue.

after a minute Mew broke the kiss and licked Gulf’s lips

"you did it on purpose heh, laughing with Off. making me jealous,"

Gulf blushed

"so you found out..."

"ofcourse, i've been watching you, every little thing you do"

Gulf smiled as he rubbed his nose against Mew's Cheek.

Mew took Gulf to their bedroom and paused as he glanced to the Brightwin, that were forgotten

"we are going to explore something for awhile. please far away from our room . Go and watch a movie or something" he said as he closed the door

“But what about my dinner?” win pouted as he looked at the closed door.

Bright smirked as he kissed win roughly on the lips. “I'll be your dinner" he said  as he pulled Win on top of him.


Pattranite  who hates couples who are happy together especially same sex couples. So she decided to break them all. The victims had enough and decided to punish her.

Earthmixx ,  Offgun and Zeesaint decide to meet in Zee's house.

Mixx sniffed " maybe. Gulf would know how to punish her, since he kinda is Type in real life" he was still upset with her and earth patted his hair as he whispered some lovely lines trying to comfort his baby.
The other laughed and nodded, it would be fun.

but Off shook his head " no, we can't put him in danger too, what if she's gonna threat them too?...and its our business"

then Pattranite  suddenly entered their house and the first thing Earth did was punch her , not caring if she was a woman or not  "leave us the FUCK alone or you will die" she laughed as a crazy person and yelled


Saint got scared and cried. Zee rushed to his lover to comfort him.

"she won't leave us alone, we need more ‘Gun’ power.  Did you see what I did there?” off said with a smile whole Gun facepalm

*seriously, … how did I find him again* he smiled and hit off on his shoulder.  “Papi… really, you dork” "But you love this dork" he said

"Ah... i know  Janistar" Zee said.

"but will she to help us?"  Mixx asked.
"Well, maybe if i call her" Zee said
calling Janistar


Z:hi, it Zee, we need your help.

J:Okay P, what can i do.

Z:ehm, your brother works for the police right? Please help me to sent the them to arrest Pattranite .

J: Ehh? WHy?

Z: She has treaten us and invaded out privacy only because she can't stand seeing us happy. 

J: Ok, i'll see what i can do P’ . i'll try it.

Z: Ok thanks, your sweet

Janistar chuckled

J: stop that P' Zee, what if Saint hears you? You forgot how he glared at me when we did the" true or dare" mv"

Z:Oh.. CRAP... Yes, ... bye then

J: ok, bye

Zee hung up with a smile and looked back and saw that Saint wasn't here anymore.

He searched everywhere pushing everyone aside and started to panic "OH....NO...SAINT IS GONE, HE'S BEEN KIDNAPPED”

Saint appeared with red eyes.

"stop the act Zee, i know, since the MV I saw how you and Janistar would look at each other. She can help you and i can’t do anything, you love her more... but its alright, i won’t be angry..."

he gave Zee a bittersweet smile and walked away.

Saint stopped and looked behind him.

Zee didn't even came after him and he sighed

*forget it, he's probably calling Janistar  now... i should have known that he date with me out of pitty, since i cried after confessing him*

if this was gonna happen then Pattranite  didn't even have to treaten us to break up...

and he let a few teardrops go. he reached their room and started to pack his stuff... but Zee stopped him and kissed him. Saint tried to break free but Zee was way to strong and he finally gave in and kissed him back.

soon as Zee broke the kiss 

" what are you doing...aren't you with Janistar  now"Saint asked Zee kissed him again.

"there is no way that i'm gonna leave you, I have always been your fan and will be your faen forever. " saint  cried and kissed him...

after a few days the police found Pattranite  and set her in jail. She was put in the darkest quietest part in jail. after a few week she became crazy and dreams came to hunt her.

they used medication on her , so it will make her hallusional.  soon after that she drowned in her food by insomnia( sleeplessness) and died...


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