Chapter Seven- Ready or Not

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(Mike's P.O.V)

        As I walked out to my car, Jeremy shut and locked the door behind me. I did feel a little bad for playing that joke on the guy, but I soon gave up on that feeling. He could handle it. I opened my door and sat down in the front seat. Jeremy steps up and smiles at me. "Uh, thanks for being such a good sport, Mike. I really appreciate it." I return the smile. "Yep, drive safely!"

        Once he gets to his car, he sighs and rubs the back of his neck. Curiously, I watch as he reluctantly gets into his car. I drive off before he can make it out of the parking lot. He was a strange kid, that Jeremy. Chandra tells me that something is up and that she doesn't know for sure what it is, but she'll try to find out. I simply shrug it off.

        Maybe something happened in his family that has bothered him somehow. I don't know, but I do know one thing: When I get home, I'm going straight to bed!


(Animatronic's P.O.V)

        Bonnie stood silently on stage, frozen in his 'performance' mode beside Freddy. He glanced sideways, just happening to catch his friends' eyes. "That Jeremy kid is more twicthy then Foxy." Bonnie's voice was projected through his voicebox. Freddy would nod if he could. "I totally agree with you," Chica's warm, violet eyes met Bonnie's. "Maybe he's sick or something?" Freddy gave her a calm, gentle look.

        "No. If he was sick, Mike would've acknowledged it already." The animatronics remained silent for a moment, then Foxy spoke up causing Bonnie to jump in surprise. "I think the lad just needs time to adjust to us being 'alive' and all." They all agreed that this was the reason and fell silent. Bonnie sighed inwardly. This is going to take some thinking to firgure out, he thought. If Jeremy wasn't sick, then maybe there was something wrong with him physcologically? He was afraid of everything and it seemed as though the wind could carry him off.

        There was only one topic that intrigued the group more; The place was getting a makeover soon! There would be two floors and twice as many rooms. They'd need more animatronics to satisfy the toddlers and small children. Not to mention the animatronics themselves could use some TLC. They were stained and they didn't always function properly.

        Nobody really brought up the bite anymore, though Foxy was still affected by it. He felt really bad and continued to feel in debt to Mike, even though Mike had already stated that Foxy owed him nothing and that it was an honest accident. Chica was always helping him to get over his past by baking with him or fixing his curtain. To be honest, they each enjoyed each other's company.

        Bonnie spent most of his time with his guitar, either wiping it clean or tuning it so that it sounded perfect. He trully did love his guitar as though it were his family, and Freddy often chuckled to himself at this. He loved his friends and saw them as his own family. After all, they were created for the same purpose and not to mention they were created in the same warehouse. He saw Bonnie and Foxy as his brothers, as annoying as they may be sometimes he still loved them all the same. And Chica was his little sister, always cheerful and happy, ready to help them out at the drop of a hat. But then there was Golden Freddy.

                You see, they never really got along well. They tended to fight all the time, and Chica often saw it as annoying as did the others. Freddy was perfectly intent on trying to remain calm and peaceful, but Golden Freddy just got on his nerves. Of course, they never really came into close contact to much.

                Now Golden Freddy was an entirely different story. He was rarely happy and often he enjoyed solitude, only speaking with Chandra every now and then. The animatronics didn't really interest him, but he loved to annoy Freddy. He was so easy to upset, but Chandra often forced him to behave. Golden Freddy wanted to be 'put out of his misery' so to speak; He hated being a piece of fabric in the bottom of the box, useless and worthless. But he would never intentionally hurt the other animatronics.

                They were as close as a family could be, and they never had any desire to leave each other. But now, they realized that their very frienship could come to an abrupt halt.


(??? P.O.V)

        The mechanic frowned as his coworkers wheeled the crates up to the truck. Inside of the crates were the new animatronics that would be replacing the old ones. They looked like toys, and they made the company even more childish then they already were. He sighed and rolled his eyes, stroking his chin. He stepped up to looked at Toy Freddy's box. "I don't see why Fred would want the old characters replaced. They were the start of his family's company, and now he's just tossing them away."

        One of his coworkers added calmly, "Yes sir, but keep in mind that all the old materials and the old animatronics will be kept in the top floor so he's really not throwing them away." The head mechanic nodded. "Well, you're right Tom, but if what Fred says is true--that the animatronics have feelings--they won't be happy being replaced." Tom and the mechanic stepped out of the truck and shut the doors. "And that's why we won't be handling them; The security guard will be."

        The mechanic's name was Toby. Toby was notorius for his advanced knowledge in machinery. The young mechanic did not know what kind of evil he had released into the world.

A/N:    So, this chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but I was in school when I typed this, and the space bar is broken, so I made countless mistakes and I was annoyed by certain people lol. Well, I'm sorry for not posting in while, but I hope this makes up for it! Bye for now guys, enjoy the story! And don't forget to follow me for more. :D



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