Chapter Eight- Fueling the Fire

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(Mike's P.O.V) 

        After a week or so of a break, we were told to come back to work at Freddy's. They've remodeled the place and they said that it was completely new and 'improved'. After having a quick meal, I get in my car and begin to drive to Freddy's, waiting paitently to arrive.

         As I pull up into my parking spot, my jaw drops. They had a banner hanging over the door, and on the banner were three, new animatronics. A cold horror seeped into my bones. What did they to to The Gang? I rushed into the door to find the mechanic team adjusting the new crew on stage. Bonnie is a girl... Chica is a girl... Freddy is fatter... Foxy.... White and pink? "What the hell, Fred?" I mutter to myself. I walk in, twirling my keys around my finger.

        "Ah, you must be the security guard?" asks a mechanic. I nod and glare at the new animatronics. They look like toys... Jeremy would get here at around midnight, but I came early. I ask the question that has been on my mind since I walked in. "So uh... Where are the characters?" The mechanic team laughed and some of them smirked. The boss stepped forward.

        "Well, you see.." He slung an arm over my shoulder. "We've remodeled the entire building, giving it two floors." Great. Twice the work for me. "So we've... Replaced the old Animatronics with these ones." I forced a curious smile. "Where are the older ones then?" The boss points upstairs. "In a spare room, an attic of some sorts." The new animatronics were already buzzing to life. Chica smiled widely, her now-pink eyes shining. Bonnie just simply glares at me as well as Foxy. Freddy simply huffs and turns his gaze to his feet. 

            They look totally friendly, no sarcasm here at all! The mechanic team departs, shutting the door with a slam. I turn and survey the new animatronics. I couldn't use the names of the original animatronics. It would hurt too much. Bonnie, Freddy, Chica and Foxy would have new names for sure, but what else could I call them? 

                When Jeremy enters the building, we both head straight to the office. We mess around with the new setting a bit before the clock strikes twelve. We both sit down at the desk, picking up the monitor. For the first two hours, nothing happened. Then, I saw Bonnie turn and hold a hand up to her mouth as if she was whispering something. Freddy glances briefly at the camera then a closet door before turning his gaze back.

                Finally, the night comes to an end and Jeremy and I step out of Freddy's. After swapping a few jokes about the new animatronics, I gently patted Jeremy on the back, my fingers brushing his neck. He flinches away from me, and looks down at his feet. I turn and look at him. "Jeremy, what's going on?" He simply shakes his head and replies, "N-Nothing!" He turns to go to his car and thats when I see them. Purple bruises on his neck.

                I grab his shoulder, stopping him. "Jeremy, your neck." He covers the brusies and his shoulders tremble. I sigh. The poor kid is only seventeen and he's being beaten up. "Who's done this to you?" I ask. He takes a deep breath. What he says completely shocks and agitates me. 

"My... My father."

(Freddy's P.O.V)

                 The children are restless. We've been locked away and forced to stay in a small room with no light. Just the light of our eyes and the children's spirits. The new animatronics are so... So weird looking. And they made Bonnie and Foxy girls! And I'm not that fat! I'm... Fluffy.

                        Chica snaps to her senses and stares at me. "Freddy, what are we gonna do?" Her voice cracks with static. Foxy simply hugs his knees and Bonnie paces angrily around in circle after circle after circle. I close my eyes, thinking for a moment. We could do nothing, we were stuck here for God knows how long. Bonnie mumbles under his breath, "Stupid replacements! That guitar is totally fake! And I'm NOT a girl! And she looks so dumb with all that 'makeup'!" As he rambles on, I open my eyes and glance over at Foxy, then Chica. They huddle close together, Chica trying to comfort the fox and coax him to his feet. 

                        "Guys, I... I don't know what to do." I sigh. Right as I'm about to break into tears at the thought of dying, a sudden voice cuts into the silence. "They forgot about you, too?" It was a young child. For a moment, we all stare in disbelief. Then we realize, it's an animatronic boy. A sign is forced into his hand, and balloons are tied to his other hand. He looks upset. 

                        "What's the matter, kid?" asks Bonnie. Children like him. The animatronic mutters, "I'm the balloon boy they were going to put in Kid's Cove with Foxy, but they did away with me and Marionette." Curiosity sparked my interests. "Marionette?" Balloon Boy nods and points to an exceedingly large gift box. He sniffles. "They nailed her box shut, and she can't get out." He sniffles again. "She's my friend," Foxy and I nod slowly and we walk over to the box. Foxy uses his hook and calmly unscrews the nails. I lift the lid and look inside. 

                        White eyes stare back at me, pained and confused. "Where... Am I?" Her voice is fogged, as if she had just woken up. I smile and offer her my hand, helping her out. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, my friend." Foxy waves and Bonnie and Chica smile at her. Suddenly, her eyes widen. "Is... Is that a music box?!" She rushes over to the corner and blows dust from an ancient looking gift box. She wound it up and music began playing.  

                                It has been a while now. A month, I'm sure. Golden Freddy's suit remains unmoving in a dark corner. The Marionette and Balloon Boy walk around together, Balloon boy somtimes goes off to play with Chica. As they play, I stare at the door, waiting for Mike to save us. Foxy places his hook on my shoulder. "Aye, the lad may not be able to save us, Cap'n." he points out. I nod sadly.  I know, Foxy.... I know.

(New Animatronic's P.O.V)

                        Freddy blew a puff of smoke in the air. Bonnie simply looks at her claws and sighs. Foxy is the first to speak up. "When do we get to attack?" As soon as they were about to discuss things, a voice hissed from the shadows, "Soon enough, my friends." Something glints in the shadows. Bonnie frowns and Foxy snarls. "We've waited long enough, man!" She steps forward, but the shadowed figure smirks. "Bonnie, Freddy... Fix her." Bonnie froze for a microscopic second before proceeding on her friend.

                        Chica turns her head and dashes down the hall, unable to look at what they did to her. She collapsed in the kitchen, throwing pots and pans about. She sighed and calmed down a bit. She didn't want to hurt them. They were... They were just like them, right?  She shook her head in disbelief. It was awful and horrible what her friends had become. She knew she was the only one who liked children; She absolutely adored them. And it was all fun and games... Until someone got hurt.


                        Foxy sobbed softly, dismantled on the floor of kid's cove. Her first day on the job and she was already dismantled. They picked on her, now. They called her Mangle. She didn't like it. If it wasn't for stupid Chica, she might be out of her misery. She sighed and smirked softly. At least they would be attacking the animatronics tonight. That was a major plus. She would tear Foxy apart. But she had to wait... Good things came.. To those... Who wait...

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