Chapter One- Hired!

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Today I walked past the jewelry store and stopped. There was a nice silver ring with three diamonds on it. Man it was beautiful, but it was also expensive. There was no way I could afford it. For a month now, I've been looking for a job that would hopefully pay me enough so that I could afford one. However, I've had no luck. I told Doll that I wanted to apply for a job, and she's even helping me. I can't tell her why I needed the job though.
I turned my head and kept walking. I looked left, then right, and I crossed the street. I walked down the sidewalk and turned onto another street. The last house on the right was ours. I walked up to the door and twisted the knob. Doll greeted me at the door with a smile. "Hey, Mikey. On the coffee table I've left a newspaper." I kissed her on the forehead. She walked into the kitchen to make dinner.
I read through the newspaper. They needed a clerk for a new store, but there was no way that the job would pay enough for a ring. There was a few baby-sitting adds, but as with the store clerk, there was no way that I'd get enough money for a ring. I groaned. "Doll, none of these jobs interest me!" she called back, "Did you see the baby-sitting adds?" I said, "Yeah, but kids and I don't really get along."
She placed a few pots and pans on the stove. Her silence told me that she was thinking. After a while she replies, "Well, there is one more opening, but..." She stopped. I questioned her, "But what?" She peeked out from the kitchen and bit her lip. She flipped her hands. I flipped the paper and read the ad out loud. "Come be apart of the family at Freddy Fazbear's... Pizzeria." I bit my lip as the memories flooded through my head.
I remembered, when I was about six or seven, I wanted to go to Freddy's for my birthday. My mom said yes, so we went on a Friday. I saw Foxy and I wanted to see him up close. He said I was brave for coming that close, but I informed him that I was not afraid because he was my hero. And... He was. Until he attacked me. He bit down on my head, tearing my frontal lobe. It took years of therapy to be able to move normally again. Sometimes I still even have nightmares.
"Mikey, are you alright?" I realized that I had been fingering the scars along my scalp underneath of my hat. I dropped my hand to my lap. "Y-Yeah, fine..." I had to make the decision. They needed a security guard to work the night shift, and there was a good salary. Besides, it's been almost eighteen years since the accident. I exhaled deeply and nodded. "Doll, can you toss me the phone, please?" The phone landed beside me.
I gulped and dialed the number. "Hello, this is Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, how may I help you?" asked a man's voice. "Um, I'd like to apply as the Night Guard..?" I heard a slight static on the phone before he spoke again. "Okay, what's your name?" I tugged on the collar of my shirt. "Mike Schmidt." I spelled my name for him and he scribbled it down. "Alright, can you arrive tonight at 9:00 so we can discuss your new job?" Oh my God, I thought. I had the job!
"Y-Yes sir, thank you." I said. He hung up and so did I. Doll walked in a sat down beside me. "Well..?" I smiled at her. "I got the job!" She smiled and laughed. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I hugged her back. "I have to be there at nine o'clock so we can discuss my shift." She nodded.
When I drove up to the building, I saw that it had changed dramatically. The building was a lot bigger with more modern features, such as rotating glass doors and a smooth siding. I parked and walked into the building. When I got there, a man wearing a suit smiled at me. "Ah, you must be Mike Schmidt, right?" I nodded. He handed me a uniform. "Change into this, and meet me in the security office."
I changed and walked down the hall. It took me a while, but I found the office. When I entered the office, the man smiled at me. He was the manager. He sat down in a chair and slid another to me. I sat down just opposite of him. He pulled out a paper. "Alright, this is just some information I need to record." He said. I nodded calmly and glanced around.
The security office was a small room. It had a desk and on that desk was a rotation fan and some crumpled up papers. But what caught my attention was the tablet. It was currently off, but I guessed that it was hooked up to the security cameras. Also on the desk was a flashlight. I looked to my sides and saw the doorways. "I see you've found the doors." he said. "Right, about them, uh... You'll find them handy." I cocked my head to the side a bit.
"Now, you'll receive a phone call each night for the first five nights. Pay attention, as they were recorded by the night watchman before you; Vincent." At least I knew how to properly address him. "Alright, now I have to ask you a few questions." I nodded. "Answer in complete honesty. Here at Freddy's, honesty is the best policy!" He flashed me a grin.
"Have you had any previous experiences with any of the Fazbear Entertainment locations?" Oh good God.
"Um yeah... I went to the place for my sixth birthday." I replied. He nodded and wrote that down. "Alright, how old are you?" I cleared my throat a bit. "Twenty-three." I replied. He started to write it down, but he stopped. "Right, so you're saying that about seventeen years ago, you were at the pizzeria for your birthday?" I nodded.
"That's quite a coincidence, Mr. Schmidt." He said. I bit my lip and chewed it lightly. I snuck a peek at my watch. It was only ten o'clock. "The previous location was shut down due to an... Accident." He glanced at my forehead. I knew that a bit of a scar poked out from under my hat. I bit down into my lip. "No wonder why your name sounded familiar; You're the victim!" I nodded. After a few more hours of talking, it was eleven thirty. The manager stood up. "Well, I had better be off." He walked out of the office. I waited patiently for the phone call I was supposed to receive.

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