➳ making a move

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Once it became afternoon, Ye Eun left Junseo's house to go to In Yeop's, where they all agreed to meet up

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Once it became afternoon, Ye Eun left Junseo's house to go to In Yeop's, where they all agreed to meet up.

As soon as she stepped inside, she was crushed in a hug by Minah who began to cry. "Ye Eun! I missed you!"

"I'm really sorry for not contacting you earlier. A lot of stuff happened."

In Yeop walked out of the kitchen, holding two glasses before he extended it to them. "You took awfully long to message us."

Minah sent him a hard look. He rolled his eyes and sat across from them.

Ye Eun glanced at the drink, and she took a short sip before speaking. "Sorry... I know you guys aren't happy with me. I would be upset as well."

"We heard what happened. Are you okay?" Minah asked.

She nodded, forcing another smile. Ye Eun wondered how many smiles she had to fake around this time. It was sure a lot, for sure.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's been a little hard to accept it but..."

"Didn't you want your parents dead?"

Ye Eun sucked in a short breath, dropping the glass to the ground.

Minah jumped in surprise.

In Yeop stared at Ye Eun, concerned. "Ye Eun... did something happen?"

What was she doing? Ye Eun was pretending that Junseo didn't murder just now, was she? She was covering for Han Junseo. Ye Eun felt disgusted with herself.

Ye Eun's eyes widened and she covered her mouth in disbelief before bursting into tears.

"Ye Eun?!" Minah gasped.

In Yeop stood up and walked to Ye Eun, before embracing her in a hug. Ye Eun's cheeks warmed and she buried her face on his chest, crying even harder.

Minah looked at her, worried. "Are you feeling better now?"

Ye Eun nodded, chuckling. "Sorry. The pressure got to me, and my mood swings must've changed. I'm not usually like this."

"It's normal, you're pregnant after all. How's Junseo doing? Is he taking good care of you?"

"Yeah... he is."

In Yeop's eyes never left her. He felt something within him, something that was telling him that Ye Eun wasn't telling the truth.

"Why isn't he here? Did he have to do something?" He found himself asking.

Ye Eun faced him, and he resisted the urge to blush. "Yeah... something like that. Sorry. But he told me to tell you guys hello-"

She paused once she glanced behind In Yeop. Through the window, she could see a hooded figure staring at her intensely.

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