➳ Song Kang

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Ye Eun's eyes fell to opened door behind Junseo

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Ye Eun's eyes fell to opened door behind Junseo. He followed her gaze and turned around.

Dohyun walked in, sighing in relief as soon as he saw her.

"Dohyun..." she whispered. "You're here."

Junseo politely stepped aside to give Dohyun space. Dohyun immediately ran over and crushed her in a hug, both of them crying in each other's arms.

"I was so scared you would die." Ye Eun admitted, clutching at his arm tightly. "I thought you would all leave me alone in this cruel world."

Dohyun rapidly shook his head, kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry. I promise I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere anymore, I swear."

Junseo watched the interaction, smiling. He was relieved to find the two siblings getting reunited.

Out of nowhere, someone tapped on his shoulder. "Song Kang?"

Junseo froze. He watched as Ye Eun glanced back at him and Dohyun turned around, both confused.

"What do you mean, 'Song Kang'?" Ye Eun slowly asked.

Ahnjong looked up as Junseo turned around and met her eyes. He paled and struggled with what words to come up with, especially when In Yeop stared at him suspiciously.

"Yeah, what do you mean by Song Kang, miss?" In Yeop asked out loud. It ticked off Junseo even more.

"Oh... it's nothing." Ahnjong said once she realized the tension in the room.

Junseo didn't say anything. He stormed out without another word, causing Ahnjong to run behind him. "Wait a second!"

Ye Eun and Dohyun glanced at each other, confused, before they looked back at In Yeop, who had his hands on his pockets.

In Yeop tensed up once the attention was on him. "... what?"

"Wait a second!" Ahnjong called out behind him.

Junseo's eyes were wide with anger. After all these years, he couldn't believe he found himself meeting the person he least wanted to face again.

Which turned out to be no one other than his first love. Junseo bit his lip and turned around, refusing to meet her eyes. "Why are you here?"

Ahnjong paused, raising her hands up in defense. "I happened to save Lee Dohyun. He was in trouble... what relation do you have with them?"

Junseo scoffed, forcing his gaze on the ground. "That's none of your business."

She stared at him, her eyes turning cold. "You really haven't changed at all, Song."

"My name is not Song."

"Whatever." Ahnjong shrugged, "It seems that you already caught her though. You know, the woman who abused you, A.K.A my mother."

Junseo glanced up at her. "Yeah? What about it? Are you going to report me to the police?"

"Nope. I already knew you'd go after her as soon as you escaped. But who knew you'd go this far as changing your name?"

He slowly smirked. "Does that bother you?"

Ahnjong pulled a strand of her hair back, before she smiled, shaking her head. "You do you. It has nothing to do with me."

"Good. Let's keep it that way." Junseo muttered. "When are you leaving?"

"Woah, why do you want me to leave so fast? Are you hiding something from me?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Junseo became pissed. He looked away, pursing his lips closed. "I'm not being nice to you because I want to. It's best you leave before things get complicated for you from now on."

Ahnjong shook her head, smiling innocently. "I won't. It seems interesting to know what you've been doing all these years behind my back."

"That should be none of your concern, Ahnjong." Junseo replied coldly. "I already moved on years ago. Don't think you can have me running to your arms again."

"I know. I can tell since... you seem to be dangerously in love with someone now. It's so obvious. So, who's the lucky girl?" She asked, grinning.

He blushed, awkwardly clearing his throat. Junseo couldn't fall for her stupid games again. After all, Ahnjong was known and still is known to be a huge flirt.

"It's okay if you don't answer... not like I expected you to anyways." Ahnjong said, licking her lip.

"She's nothing like you." Junseo murmured, dazed. "Ye Eun is kind, always wiling to help. She loves me more than you probably ever did."

Ahnjong paused. "So she's Lee Dohyun's sister? Yikes. You seemed to have come across really wealthy people."

"I don't care about her money. Ye Eun loves me and I love her, that's all that matters." Junseo smiled. "Especially our little princess."

"What?" She asked, shocked.

Junseo glanced at In Yeop, who was walking up to them. He smirked, cocking his eyebrows up.

"Looks like I just found out about something I shouldn't have... glad I did though."

"You motherfucker." Junseo hissed.

Ahnjong glanced between them. "So, you're telling me, Song's a father?"

"Unfortunately." In Yeop drawled, "Soon to be one."

Dohyun tried to insist that Ye Eun slept, but she kept refusing, afraid she would no longer see him again.

"Who kidnapped you?" She asked, horrified.

"Our parent's enemies. It looks like they're taking advantage of the situation now that our parents are gone. I can't believe people would stoop this low." Dohyun grumbled.

Ye Eun stayed silent. She slowly sat up with the help of her brother before sadly smiling up at him. "I'm so sorry Dohyun. This really is all my fault."

"It's not. You were too naive to realize they were actually gone all this time. Besides, our parents have always treated you like crap. It really wasn't your fault, Ye Eun."

She shook her head. "It's still my fault regardless. I feel like I messed up so badly. I can only hope my daughter doesn't end up having the same future as me."

Dohyun's eyes softened. "It's a girl? Gosh, that makes me so happy. Ye Eun, listen to me. Don't blame yourself, okay? We're in this together, and we're both going to overcome this together. I won't ever leave you alone. Neither Junseo, In Yeop, and your friend Minah. We're with you."

Ye Eun suddenly remembered Minah as soon as he mentioned her. She slowly nodded. Where could Minah be? Ye Eun hadn't seen her all these months.

"Are you okay?" Dohyun asked.

"Yeah... I'm just wondering where Minah is. I haven't seen her in a while."

"It's okay, let her be. She's probably busy with her own life right now."

Ye Eun nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

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