Cupid Chan

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Chan was driving his car as he sucked down on a coffee. Felix was blasting some girl group songs while Changbin kind of wished he'd stay home now.

"We are here!" Chan sang out.

"So what color are you thinking of painting walls?" Felix asked as he hopped out of the passenger seat.

"Maybe a greyish blue. A more toned down aesthetic," He replied.

"I think that suits you pretty well," Changbin said.

"Wow, did the prince of darkness just compliment me?" Chan asked with fake shock on his face.

"I think he did!" Felix exaggerated.

Changbin just rolled his eyes and kept walking. He heard the other's footsteps grow louder as they followed behind him.

"You should also get some plants to liven up the place," Felix suggested as they looked at house decor.

"Oh yes! That would be great," Chan said with a wide smile.

Felix melted a little. It made his heart swell to see Chan so happy.

"You ok Felix?" Changbin asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Felix looked at him confused.

"You're crying," Changbin wiped at the tear that fell from the younger's eye.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just really glad to see him happy," Felix wiped his face.

"I'm happy too," Changbin smiled as Chan cooed at the little animal ornaments. "We better catch up with him," Changbin said, patting his shoulder. Felix nodded and walked forward.


Felix carried the bags that had new couch and bed stuff, Changbin pushed a cart full of plants, while Chan carried paint cans. They had called Hyunjin for help so he was pushing a cart with the other stuff Chan had bought.

"Are you sure you can afford dinner now?" Hyunjin asked and sounded genuinely worried.

"Of course I'm able to. I make more than all of you combined," Chan bragged.

"You only make more than me because you make more songs," Changbin growled.

"Then maybe you should stop pinning after Felix and work more," Hyunjin murmured.

"I will literally murder you," Changbin glared at the taller.

He sighed a breath of relief when he saw that Felix was far enough ahead to not hear what the black haired devil said.

"Alright. I got everything settled. Hyunjin? Can you take the plants? I trust you to drive safely with my new babies," Chan nudged the cart towards Hyunjin's car.

"Ugh fine. Only if I can get dessert with dinner," Hyunjin smirked.

"Fine. Just this once," Chan pointed his finger at him accusingly.

Everyone got into their respected cars and started to leave the parking lot. Felix connected his phone to the radio again and decided to change up the playlist. Humph! by Pentagon played through the speakers.

"Hey Changbin, do you need anything from your place?" Chan asked, looking back at him through the little mirror.

"I could use a few more clothes," Changbin chuckled.

Chan took a right turn and in a matter of seconds, they were in front of the apartment complex. Chan put his car in park and shut it off to save gas.

"Do either of you wanna come and help me?" Changbin offered.

"Sure, I'll go," Felix said as he unbuckled his seat belt.

"I'll stay here and watch the car," Chan patted the steering wheel.

"Alright Felix, let's go," Changbin didn't miss sending a glare towards Chan who just winked in return.

Suddenly Changbin regretted accepting to stay over again. When he turned and saw the golden sun rays making Felix glow, he almost had a heart attack from the beauty.

"Changbin?" Felix ran his hand across Bin's line of sight.

"Huh?" Changbin left his trance.

"I asked if we are gonna go up to your room," Felix looked slightly concerned.

"Oh, ya. Sorry," Changbin cursed at himself in his head as he walked towards the door.

They took the elevator as Changbin struggled to avoid any awkward eye contact with the young Aussie. When the ding signalling their arrival, he let out a breath he didn't notice he was holding. He unlocked the door and waited for Felix to enter before closing it.

"So um, just follow me and then i'll tell you what to do," Changbin said after clearing his throat.

Changbin started down the hall but before following, Felix took a glance around. He noticed some things were moved and missing. The picture of Changbin and the oher male were no longer in sight. The bookshelf was moved to a different angle. Felix smiled as he walked towards Changbin.

"Um, just hold this bag open for me please," Changbin handed the black duffel bag over as he kept his head low.

"Ok," Felix said as he looked around the room.

It wasn't what he expected. A laptop and stack of notebooks sat on his dark wooden desk. Lined sheets with scribbles and words written all over them were taped to the cream colored walls. And finally, the dark purple bed sheets were home to a little stuffed toy. Felix tried to hold in his chuckle but he ended up making a weird snort.

"What?" Changbin looked at him funny.

"Sorry, it's just that i never expected someone like you to have a plushie," Felix said with a wide smile.

Changbin looked like a deer in headlights as his face heated up. He felt embarrassed. A grown man who raps for a living and has a reputation for his dark aura just got exposed by a plushie.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I have a whole box full of plushies. I just thought it was kind of cute," Felix said, noticing Bin's embarrassment.

"Wanna know his name?" Changbin asked as he continued folding and packing.

"Sure," Felix smiled.

"His name is Gyu," Changbin placed another piece of clothing in the bag.

"That's cute" Felix was still smiling.

"Alright, well I think i'm done now," Changbin grazed Felix's hands as he took the bag from him.

Felix nodded at Changbin and then they headed out the door.

When they finally got to the car, Chan asked them what took so long. Which Changbin sternly told him he couldn't find a few things. Chan just smirked as he started the car back up and headed for home.

I ACTUALLY UPDATED? lol i'm terribly sorry tho. i feel like i haven't written in SO long. as most of you know i started working a couple weeks ago so i haven't had much free time between that and school. but i promise i won't abandon and of my stories ❤️

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