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Felix woke up to the sound of sharp knocking. He groaned and when he went to rub his eyes, his hand was caught on something...or someone. He looked over, brows furrowed, to see that Changbin was still latched to his hand. Before his face could heat up and change colors, more knocking distributed the sleepy aura. When Felix pried his hand away, changbin's sleep brain slowly came back to reality.

"What time is it?" Changbin groaned groggily. Felix would be lying if he said it wasn't hot.

"It's 4 am," Felix said, turning his bright phone screen away.

"Who is here at 4 it the fucking morning?" Changbin went to stand up.

"It's fine binnie. I'll get it," Felix said, already heading to the door.

Felix gasped when he saw the older aussie standing outside in the pouring rain. Blonde curly strands of hair sticking to his forehead. Felix took in Chan's appearance. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy, he looked so tired.

"Chan? What the hell happened to you?" Felix asked, grabbing him by his shoulders to drag him inside.

"Chan? Oh shit, let me get you a towel," Changbin said from Felix's bedroom doorway.

"You can ask about him later. Now tell me what happened," Felix said, setting the older on the living room couch.

"He cheated on me Felix," you could hear the brokeness in his voice. It was enough to make anyone's heart shatter.

"How? I thought everything was going smooth?" Felix's face crinkled in thought as to what could have gone wrong.

"I don't know Felix. After we dropped all of you off, Woojin said he needed to pick up a few things at work so I just went to the studio to work on some demos. Then I went to get a drink at the bar and I saw him. I saw what he was doing and when he spotted me, all he did was smirk. Felix, i'm so broken right now, I don't know what to do," Changbin was now sitting on the other side of Chan, rubbing circles on his back while Felix whipped tears from his empty eyes.

"Did you go home or come straight here?" Felix asked, not really sure what to do either.

"I went back home, he followed me there too. When we got inside, he was being all flirty. You know, trying to get sex out of me. I tried, I pushed and shoved. When he finally backed away we started to yell at each other. Something just snapped in me. I started to throw things. I broke up with him and he took all of his stuff The house looks so fucking empty now. I just-" a heart wrenching sob seeped from the blonde's lips. The whole scene played in his head and he just couldn't take it anymore.

"It's ok Chris, you don't need to tell us everything. Things will get better. Right Binnie?" Felix looked up at Changbin with pleading, teary eyes.

"That's right. You still have us and the others. We are all here for you. We are like family," Changbin's voice cracked at the end. This feeling all too familiar to him no matter how many times he tries to forget.

"Thank you," Chan's hoarse voice finally let out.

After a few minutes of crying and comfort, Chan passed out on the couch. The clock was nearing 5:30 am and rain had finally stopped. Felix was standing in the kitchen, thoughts racing around in the quiet air.

"Hey Felix, I think i'm going to go back to sleep," Changbin said.

"That's ok. I think I'm going to stay up and probably make something to eat," Felix said, turning around to look at changbin. Changbin nodded at the younger and headed back to the bedroom.

Three hours passed and Felix had made some miso soup. One days he cried a lot from stress, his grandma would make it for him. Felix smiled at the memories. He misses his grandparents a lot.

"So are you going to tell me why he's here?' Chan's tired voice startled the younger.

"Jesus Chan, I thought you were still asleep," Felix said, clutching his heart.

"That soup smells good. Now answer my question," Chan took a seat at the round table.

"Well, he was originally out for a walk to clear his mind and ended up here. It got late so I just let him stay here," Felix answered, putting the bowl in front of chan.

"I'm going to assume he told you something," Chan slurped a spoonful of the soup and moaned with satisfaction.

"Ya he did," Felix's voice sounded sad.

"Did you talk to him about your stuff?" Chan looked up the younger, already knowing everything about both.

"Ya I did actually. What surprises me is that I was that nervous," Felix took the seat across from Chan.

"I'm just glad both of you opened up to someone that isn't me," Chan chuckled.

They both continued to sit in silence as Chan ate his soup.

big sad. anyways i'm in school so i can't write much in these note lol. see you next chapter i guess. bye bye

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