Awkward Silence

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"This is my place," Changbin said pointing up at the apartment complex.

"Do you mind if I come up with you? Standing in the street at night is creepy,''Felix explains shyly.

"Ya, I don't mind," Changbin says with a shrug. The pair walked up 2 flights of stairs and then stopped right in front of Changbin's door. He pulled out some keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.

It was dark at first but then Changbing flipped a light switched and a dim light filtered the darkness. Felix followed the smaller through the thin entrance. He stopped when it split off in three different directions.

"Kitchen, living room, and down there is my room," Changbin pointed from left to right. Felix nodded as Changbin left to go to his room. Felix watched him until he disappeared.

He took a step into the living room and looked around in hopes to get a glimpse of what Changbin was like. Tv, couch, chair, table. The normal stuff. Felix walked around the couch to look at the wall next to it. Medium sized window looking out at the city, it was pretty. Next to it was a bookshelf. Felix ran his finger across them. Leather, harback, softback, paper, and cloth. He could tell each book was unique. He looked around to make sure Changbin wasn't near. Once he was clear, he grabbed the first leather book he touched.


The other male's name was stamped on the cover. It had little bleach spots on it that made it look vintage. Felix ran his fingertips across the cover, feeling every little crevice and curve. He moved the cover to reveal the cream colored paper under it. Thick inklines spelling words in messy yet beautiful handwriting. Felix put his finger under one of the lines and followed it as he read.

Will the hidden look be revealed for a moment? I'm afraid!

There were more lines that were before it and more that followed. It was like a song, a cry for someone. Felix felt a sharp pang in his heart. He felt the edges of his eyes sting. He heard some movement come from the hallway. Felix quickly closed the book and put it back on the shelf. He turned toward the window and wiped his eyes.

"I'm ready Felix," Changbin siad. His voice was so small. Felix was about to turn around when a picture on the wall caught his eye. Changbin was standing next to another male. He was slightly taller than him with dirty blonde hair. He walked away before he seemed too suspicious or weird.

Guess it's my house next," Felix faked a smile. Changbin nodded as he flipped the light off.

Changbin clutched the straps of his backpack. He was kind of worried about what Felix might have seen in his apartment. I should have taken that damn picture down. Changbin was beating himself up in his mind. He doesn't even know why he kept that photo of him. He tried to shake the thoughts away. You miss him. Changbin sighed deeply.

"So. The rest of the group seems nice," Changbin mentioned, still trying to get rid of the toxic thoughts.

"Ya they are. I'm sure you'll love being friends with everyone," Felix shoved his hands into his pants pocket.

Silence fell on them again and neither one of them knew what to say. Thankfully, the road turned into a dirt path signalling that they were very close to Felix's little house. They were able to see the path since there were little street lights Felix's grandpa installed before he moved back to Australia. Felix unlocked his front door and turned the living room light on.

"Uh...just wait here I guess. You already know where everything is," Felix said and walked to his room as fast as he could.

Changbin awkwardly stood in the doorway and stared into the living room. A smile formed on his lips and he chuckled a bit. He remembered the first time he saw Felix. So cute and tall yet he had the voice of a demon.


Changbin pulled out his phone.
CB97: are you and lix on your way? Everyone is already here
SpearB: kind of. We are at his house right now
CB97: ok, see you boys soon

Changbin laughed at the older's text and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Changbin had already seen the living room so he walked into the hallway. It was very empty except for a few pictures. There was a picture of a much younger Felix and an older man. The other pictures were drawings of trees, flowers, and an older woman. Felix came out of his room to see Changbin...admiring?...the wall. It made Felix nervous. He didn't want Changbin to ask about the people.

"We can go now," Felix whispered, almost scaring the shorter.

"Ok. Chan texted me saying everyone is there," Changbin said, looking up towards the orange haired male. They stood there for a few moments until Changbin led the way back to the front door. They walked for about 15 minutes in pure awkward silence.

"Geeze, you two sure took your time," Jisung said as he opened the front door.

"Sorry," they both said sheepishly.

Sorry this is kinda boring BUT I did give little hints about their pasts 👀 hehe. Stay safe everyone and have a nice day ❤️

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