Pick Up The Trash

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(this picture is from one of my ig groupchats 😂)

Felix woke up first from what he saw. His neck hurt considering Jisung practically kicked him off the mattress they had laid on the floor. He looked around the room to see if anyone else was awake but all he saw was trash and food all over the floor. He felt a heavy weight on his leg and when he looked down, Changbin had his leg acrossed Felix's. The freckled boy pulled his leg away carefully. Felix sood up and rushed into the kitchen.

"Maybe I just need some coffee," Felix whispered to himself.

"Why? Did something happen?" The sudden voice made Felix jump and turn around. Just now did Felix notice the sweet smell of breakfast.

"No hyung, everything is ok," he tried to reassure Chan, but he always knew when something was wrong with the younger.

"Oh please. You know you can't hide from me. I can read you like the menu at my favourite cafe," Chan rolled his eyes as he stuck the tray into the oven.

"I hate you," Felix went to sip his coffee, only to turn and spit it out in the sink.
"First, you should have known it was hot and two, you forgot sugar," Chan chuckled as he took off the baby blue apron.

"Whatever, I don't like home coffee anyways," he frowned, handing the cup to the other.

"So is it Changbin?" Chan asked, sipping to coffee. At the mention of the shorter, Felix froze, debating between choking Chan or telling him what's on his mind.

"I-" Felix was cut off by another voice.

"Good morning you two," Woojin entered the kitchen.

"Good morning hyung," Felix said to the other.

"I already made breakfast," Chan said, giving Woojin a peck on the cheek.

"Ok, I guess I'll wake everyone up," Woojin said, walking back into the living room.

"We will continue this conversation another day," Chan raised his brows and pointed an accusing finger at the orange haired male. He just raised his hands in surrender and left for the living room.

~time skip~

All of the boys finished eating their cinnamon rolls and were now cleaning their mess from last night. Changbin and Minho were putting the mattresses back into rooms. Felix, Jisung, and Hyunjin were cleaning trash. Jeongin and Seungmin were folding blankets and fixing couch cushions. Lastly, Chan and Woojin were left with kitchen cleaning.

"Alright, we finished. How bout you guys?" Chan announced into the living room as he dried his hands on a towel.

"We are done but where do you want the trash bags?" Jisung asked, holding the one in his hand up for Chan to see.

"In the trash bin. Duh," Hyunjin answered, smacking Jisung's arm. Felix rolled his eyes as he took the trash bags from them and then headed for the back door. On his way down the hall, he accidentally ran into a shorter male.

"Oh shoot. I'm so sorry Changbin! Are you ok?" Felix was panicking as anxiety crept up his back.

"Lix, it's ok. I'm fine," Changbin let the nickname slip from his tongue making Felix freeze in his spot.

"Y-you called me l-l-lix," Felix stuttered in a whisper.

"Just forget it. Do you need help with those," He pointed at the trash bags filling the taller's hands. Felix just nodded, not trusting what could come out of his mouth. Changbin grabbed two of the begs and walked to the door, holding it open for Felix.

When the pair entered the house, everyone was gathered in the living room yelling at each other. Felix looked to Changbin for answers but was met with a confused shrug.

"Felix! Bowling or shopping?" Jeongin asked with a pout.

"I vote for bowling," Felix raised his hand.  Groan was heard from Hyunjin.

"Not everyone wants to go shopping with you dude. Just go by yourself," Jisung glared from the otherside of the couch.

"Go fuck yourself," Hyunjin flipped him off.

"Hey! There is a child here," Chan ran over to Jeongin to cover his ears.

"I am an adult now. I'm allowed to hear him say fuck," Jeongin pried Chan's hands off his ears. A loud gasp was heard from Chan while everyone else was holding in giggles.

"Who taught him this?" Chan scanned everyone in the room.

"You did," Woojin laughed at this overreacting boyfriend.

"I would never say fuck infront of a child!" he looked at the brown haired male in disbelief.

"Chan sweetie," Woojin couldn't do anything except shake his head.

"Oh my goodness! Jeongin baby, you heard nothing!" Chan was panicking for no reason.

"Ok! Time to go to the bowling alley," Woojin intervened, grabbing his car keys and heading for the door. Everyone piled into the car and left the house.

aha an actual filler chapter whoops. i really don't know where i'm going with this. like i know the stories behind felix and changbin for this story but i'm still not sure HOW i'm going to get them together. i'm trusting to update as much as i can before this weekend comes. 4th of july will be busy for me. have a good day ❤️

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