Chapter 58

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Chapter 58



I sighed in irritation as Sophia's phone at her desk went off. I know it is my workplace and I shouldn't be kissing Sophia and instead should be more invested in my work like I use to, but I really wanted some time with her and after the incident that happened not even an hour ago, I wanted to stay closer to Sophia. After Gwen's story, everyone was still on edge and the matters of hitting a women or girl was a sore subject to all the Wilson members at the moment.

"We will continue this later." Sophia promised with a smile as she went over to her desk to answer the call.

Since the whole situation with Mr. Black was solved and now that Gwen was safe and secure from any harm and danger, I could finally focus on Sophia and my relationship. There were many things left to be addressed such as Sophia's father's temper, the disappearance of Joseph, his company barely hanging in and the most important– keeping Sophia safe.

Her relation with her father has declined to an extent that he has kicked his own daughter out of their house. Sophia refuse to speak to him anymore and from the looks, her father seems least interested at the moment too, keeping her sister and her mother hanging in the middle. I had contacted Mrs. Bennett with respect to her husband and daughter's relations and she told me that she's been trying to put some sense in her husband's mind, but he refuse to acknowledge anything and is still going on with his lectures on rich people which frustrated me too.

During this period, I asked Sophia multiple times to move in with me, but sometimes I forget how stubborn she can be as she refuses to my invitation every single time.

I had taken over the Anderson Company in the meantime, much to Sophia's father's dismay. He would scowl and glare at me whenever I stepped into the office regarding the business matters. Mr. Anderson has been civil with me so far and had addressed various topics regarding the administration faults with me in a civilized manner as I demand few changes. Since Sophia had the major holdings in the company and she had passed her power to make decisions to me, I was able to control the company as per my liking. At first, I wanted to destroy the company, but I knew that wasn't the best idea since the employee working there had done nothing wrong and didn't deserve to be jobless, so I handled the company a lot better and made a lot of changes in it. I realised that Joseph's work wasn't up to mark and his proposals and drafts were incomplete and all messed as they weren't even organised properly. I wonder how he was jumping up the ladder in the business world.

I waited for Sophia to come back inside and finish what she started, but when more than 10 minutes passed and yet there was no show from Sophia, I walked out to see her myself. I found her standing frozen near her desk. I frowned at her tense body. "Sophia?"

She swiftly turned around in her heels, losing her balance for a second before she caught hold of herself by gripping the desk. I had extended my arms out to catch her in case she lost her balance, but when I saw her standing upright, I let them drop to my side.

I carefully swiped my eyes at her face as I felt something off from her. She was avoiding my gaze. Her face held slight panic but she tried to mask it with a blank look.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, keeping my steady gaze on her face.

"Yeah," she answered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ears. "Everything is fine."

"Who was on the phone?" I asked in an attempt to make her talk.

"It was just Mia asking how I was." She answered, shrugging. "Anyway, let's continue what we started, shall we?" Her sudden change in demeanour caught me off guard. Deciding to let it slide, I nodded and made my way inside with Sophia guiding me. There was something she was hiding which was evident. But what was it and why was she hiding it from me? I decided not to question her and just keep an eye on her from afar. I think Sophia has been spending too much time with Gwen as she has miraculously turned into a secret keeper. 

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