Chapter 28

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Chapter 28



From the time I came home, my siblings have been pestering me about Sophia. They want to know what happened last night at her house. I told them the actual truth, but for some reason they refuse to believe me and have made up their own stories related to it. Since they refuse to believe me, I didn't bother trying to explain them any further. Soon everyone got over the topic and we opened the twin's gift from yesterday. Most of our morning and afternoon went by opening the gifts and playing various board games as well as video games. At night, Gwen and Ryan were going over to Lucas's house for their birthday party.

I've been checking my phone during that time, waiting for Sophia's call or message, but received none. I was getting worried now. She wasn't happy about going to meet her father and I wondering what might have happened. Deciding to call her myself, I excused myself from the game room and walked to my room for some privacy. As soon as I was in my room, I called her.

"Hello?" I called.

"William?" She called, sounding a bit surprised. "Is everything okay?

"Yes, everything is okay. I was worried about you since you did not call me." I said.


"Is everything okay, Sophia?" I asked, concerned about her lack of words.

"Yes." She answered.

"You don't sound okay to me. What happened?" I demanded. "Did your father say something to you?" The line went silent giving me a confirmation that something did happen at her house today. "Sophia?"

"William, I have to go. I will meet you tomorrow at the office." She said and without waiting for my response, she hung up. I stared down at my phone in surprise. What could possibly have happened to get her this disturbed? I made it a point to ask her about such abrupt behaviour tomorrow.

The rest of the Sunday went by in a blur. The next morning I left early since I had an important meeting today. I met Sophia at her desk and we both went to the meeting. During the meeting, I notice Sophia was very distracted as she looked in a distance, thinking. Her pen that usually takes down notes, has been twirling in the air between her fingers. I knew something is bothering her, but I also expect her to not bring it into this meeting.

As the meeting got over, everyone left except for Sophia and myself. She stood up to leave but I asked her to wait. "Sophia?"

"Yes?" She answered, distractedly.

"Did you note down all the key points?" I asked, leaning back in my seat and staring up at her.

As if finally coming into the present, she looked at her notepad and frowned. She glanced up at me and gulped. "I'm sorry, William. I wasn't paying attention."

"I gathered as much," I stated. I leaned forward and pulled her chair next to mine. I gripped her fingers which were fidgeting with each other, a nervous habit of hers. "What's wrong? I notice you were disturbed yesterday on the call too."

"I had a fight with my father." She admitted. "It did not end up well."

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, softly. I wanted to order her in telling me what happened with her father so I could help her, but I knew better than to order her right now. She was already not in the mood and if I pressure her into telling me, she would close off almost immediately.

She looked and gave me a small smile. "I'm surprised you aren't ordering me to tell you." I shrugged but encouraged her to speak. "I don't want to talk about it."

William Wilson ✓Where stories live. Discover now