Chapter 41

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Chapter 41



I laughed as Mia teased Jace about the girl he went out with yesterday. He told us about the weird fetish the girl had and how Jace wanted to badly end the date, but couldn't as the girl seem very excited. Apparently, Jace never wanted to go on this date, but his sister has been insisting for him to go out since a week and finally to shut her up–he went out, but ended up regretting it.

"Emma, darling," Jace said in an overly sweet voice. "Would be please pretend to be my girlfriend for the event at my place this Saturday?"

"Hm. Let me think." Emma made a noise of thinking before giving a sweet smile to Jace. "No."

I burst out laughing along with Mia while Jace's mouth fell open at the rejection he received. "This is too good." Mia said, laughing.

"I agree." I nodded, laughing with her. "We just miss popcorn."

"Would you two shut up? Or be my date to this event," Jace snapped at us. Both Mia and I raised our hands in surrender. Jace turned his attention back to Emma. "Emma-" Jace did not get to finish his sentence as we heard the elevator make a ding noise before opening and revealing a frowning William.

"Good morning." All of us greeted at the same time to the walking William, who was entering his office. He turned towards us and mumbled something before walking inside, slamming the door behind him.

I stared at the now closed door with a stunned look. William has never not greeted me unless he was angry at me and I don't remember him being angry at me. Right now, he didn't seem angry, grumpier I feel. On Monday, he came to office with bandaid tape wrapped around his knuckle. I was shocked and asked the reason to, but he brushed me off saying it was nothing. I wondered what happened on the weekend with him.

Mine was the worst.

I decided to talk to Dad regarding the whole Anderson mess, but he did not let me. He wouldn't talk to me and whenever I sat next to him, specifically to talk about it; he would get up and leave not giving me a chance to speak. No matter what, he has to listen to me one way or another.

"I don't know how you manage to stay with that attitude without snapping at him in return," I heard Jace mutter. I looked over at him as he stared hard at the close door. He fakes a shudder before walking towards the elevator.

"I think Jace could be classified the same as Mr. Wilson," Emma said, jerking her head towards William, indicating the Mr. Wilson she said was William. "He has mood swings too."

"You know better?" Mia asked, smirking at Emma. Mia winked at me as I joined in on the smirk, clearly getting the hint Mia was throwing.

Emma looked between us as her eyes widen in horror and she shook her head furiously at us. "It is definitely not what you both are thinking."

"Sure." Both Mia and I dragged out.

"Urgh." Emma grumbled and turned on her heels to walk away.

I chuckled watching her walk away. "They both are a good pair."

"I agree." Mia said, nodding. She turned towards me and waved while walking backwards. "I'll see you at lunch." I nodded in response.

I then walked towards William's door and knocked. When I got no response, I opened the door slightly and peeked inside. I found William standing near his window looking outside. "William?" I called as I slowly entered his office.

"Yes?" he asked, tilting his head towards me.

"Are you okay?" I asked in concern.

He sighed before turning his body to face me. I watched him drag himself towards the couch and taking a seat. "Gwen is dating."

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