Tighties Not So Whities

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Chapter One
(Our Character)

Amy is a 22 year old woman who works in retail, has ace fashion sense and is a total hottie!!!
Long black hair, Ocean blue eyes, A lovely pair of Double D's, Standing at about 5'6ft she's a good sized height,
Now that you know a little about how our character looks let's get into the story.

Chapter Two
(Laundry Day)

Amy has a job interview today and honestly things couldn't have gotten any worse for her,After waking up to the ring of her phone only to find out she has over slept through till 10:30am, Her job interview has been moved to 11am, Amy rushes out of bed to the bathroom where she gets freshened up, She bolts back to her bedroom to put on a White Shirt, Black Over Coat, White Lace Bra, Black Socks and a Black Skin Tight Skirt. She's as ready as she can be but she really has to get going, She goes to leave the door before realising she forgot to put on any knickers!!! She races to her room to get some but for the life of her she couldn't find a single pair and that when she looked over to the wash bin and saw a some what less than affective pair of White Granny Panties, It will have to do she thought and raced over to take all the muddy clothes surrounding them off so she could get to the knickers without getting to much mud on them, They may have had some mud patches but they was mainly on the backside of the knickers, She then ran out the door and caught the bus just in time for her interview.

Chapter Three
(The Split)
After arriving for her job interview it couldn't have gone any better out of the 50 people who came and applied she was selected on the spot, Amy and her new boss came out of the interview room and announced who they had selected, Everyone stood up in front of Amy and clapped their hands for her, Amy began to blush and started bowing to everyone in thanks, She then turned around with her back to all the other applicants and looked at her boss as she bowed to her new boss in thanks however, The moment Amy bowed her skirt split right down the middle revealing her.....

White Granny Panties
With mud stains on the back making it look as though she had an accident in her knickers everyone began to laugh, With one young lady shouting out "She Pooped Her Pants" Amy was humiliated and as she turned back around she may have escaped further humiliation from the applicants but she has just given her New Boss a full close up view of her Dirty White Knickers.

Chapter Four
Amy Jumps in to bed with her pink and blue PJ's, She reflects on how you should always be prepared the day before and never ever to put white panties anywhere near muddy clothes as things could end up pretty embarrassing, She thinks to herself with her final thoughts before bed time

"What was I meant to say I didn't wash my Knickers?"

"Tight skirts aren't great if you like bending... AT ALL!!!"

"Always wear black Knickers"

"Those white Knickers are going on the bin first thing tomorrow morning"

"Although they are comfortable...."

"Those white Knickers are not going on the bin first thing tomorrow"

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